chapter two

when she waked up again she was in a dark room. the room was cold and dirty.
-where am I? Alicha think.the air in the room was heavy. it was hard to breath. her eyes was about to get juse to the dark when she saw a person in front of her. she couldnt see who it was. but the person had red shining eyes. she saw it clearly. throuh a small window she saw the moon. the fullmoon. the person took her hand.
-c'one. the person said. she could hear it was a boy.
-dad wants to see if you are any use. he dragged her after him. out in a strong light. the light blended her. but could see who the boy was. it was Alex. he smiled at her.
-it was never the meaning you should find out. he said quiet.
-where am i? Alicha asked.there wasnt any answer.
-what happened to you? it looked like you was dead. he had a calm voice.didnt hear scared out at all.
-L-let me go!!! I want home!!!i'm scared!!!
-you can't go home!!!so answer us!
-why!?!?!?why!?!? Alicha starded to cry. i'm scared!!!
-you've come to the other side. Alex looked at her.
-A-alex!!help me!! i'm called Ryuichi...
-did you juse a fake name? we promised to never lie to each other!!-are you a vampire?
-yes i am a vampire.
he looked her in the eyes.
