CO: E=3 so, uh, hey guys!
CO: E=3 it's just me for now, liupus.
CO: E=3 it may occur to you by now i'm not much of a leader type...
CO: E=3 our one and only other member has brought this up too. ;^;
CO: E=3 so i'm opening up the troll leader position! *tail wag*
CO: E=3 if your looking to join (or already have), feel free to tell me or kyouyarenge that you'd liek to be our troll leader!
CO: E=3 we'll scan the submitted profile and determine who's best suited to lead.
CO: E=3 the best part: you get to be number one in the character list for trolls! =D
CO: E=3 oh, and they're may or may not be a free fan art of your troll too~ from both me and kyouyarenge! ^o^
CO: E=3 so go get submitting your troll profiles and offer up your talents!
CO: E=3 it'll make us REALLY happy! *happy puppy bouncing*