==> Get Pestered.

Oh, looks like the same boy finally responded. And the other other girl as well. What could they possibly be interupting you entertainment for? Better pin up that teddy bear and reply.

WC: Sorry, I was busy with things, there were traps, and I might have fallen in some, and then sister was on the ceiling and I kept finding new things to run into.
IC: shush.
WC: But
IC: shhhhhhhhhhhh
WC: Are you okay.
IC: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
WC: Um...
IC: okay, that was pretty, install complete. and only twelve dead stuffed animals. not that they weren't already dead. just more dead then they were before. only a crazy person would have a live stuffed animal.
WC: <3
IC: ...
IC: are you going to admit you have a crush on me yet?
WC: Have no idea what you're talking about.
IC: you're always doing stuff like that.
WC: I told you, that's just an oddly shaped knife.
IC: whatever, I have everything running on my end, I can at least get started.
WC: Who are you going to be server player for?
IC: the other other girl.
WC: Um, who?
IC: sorry, I mean Cynthia.
WC: oh, I see.
IC: speaking of the devil, I have her coming through now.

==> Alex: Answer this other chum

--judiciousPriestess [JP] began pestering incisiveCutlery [IC]--

JP: Sorry to bother you.
JP: But I seem to be in a bit of a bind here
IC: what kind of bind?
IC: anything a good sharp knife can fix?
JP: Only if a knife can dig through snow.
IC: oh, you're stuck outside?
IC: did you think of trying to slip in a window?
