===> Climb over the fence.
You begin climbing over the fence. You've never done anything even remotely like this. It's horrible,absolutely horrible and not very lady-like. Your coat ends up catching on one of the pointed parts of the fence.
===> Use your STRENGTH to pull the coat from the pointy thing.
You don't have STRENGTH. So instead you use what little muscle you have and yank the coat from the pointy thing. It rips. You feel sad now.
===> Nobody cares that your sad,get over the fence!
Wow,you really have no manners. Fine,whatever you say. You climb higher,until your almost at he top of the fence. That's when you hear the dull roaring of a car. They drive right past you,making you fall and scream.
===> Fine then. Check on your conversation with the one who likes knives.
--judiciousPriestess [JP] began pestering incisiveCutlery [IC]--
JP: Sorry to bother you.
JP: But I seem to be in a bit of a bind here
IC: what kind of bind?
IC: anything a good sharp knife can fix?
JP: Only if a knife can dig through snow.
IC: oh, you're stuck outside?
IC: did you think of trying to slip in a window?
JP: There are no windows in my premises.
JP: I can see some over at the house,but I am far from there.
IC: well did you try to get rid of the snow?
JP: I can't really think of a way to do that to be honest.
JP: I'll contact you once I get inside,I need no distractions.
--judiciousPriestess [JP] ceased pestering incisiveCutlery [IC]
With that you put your phone away again. You set a time that seems appropriate. If you're not back inside by then you should really contact someone.
===> Climb over the snow.
That was then tried,and failed. The whole experience just left you feeling very cold and uncomfortable. Lets try something else.
===> Have an idea!
That's it! You just got the most wonderful idea! Bow and Arrow time. You equip your weapon and aim it at the latch in the middle of the gate. You fire,and your plan works perfectly. The gates open,pushing all the snow to the side. Oh thank god. FREEDOM.