Welcome to my House of Ghosts. This is my world in my mind, it is a place where I hold my thoughts and the thoughts of my friends and family. A place to look at myself in the mirror if you will. My life is full of wonders and hardships. A lot of both I bring on myself so it's not like I'm complaining. I am a very complex person who contradicts himself at every turn, makes life interesting that way.

-----------------------------------My Tumblr----------------------------------
It's there if you want, but I only have like 3 posts on it.

When someone become a friend, no matter how far away you get, when you come back together, it's as if you never left ^_^

Name: Steven Desmond Reigns

Height: 5' 10"(70in)

Weight: 195lbs(88.6kg)

Age: 24

DOB: 9/21/1987

City: Los Angeles, California

Country: United States of America

Occupation: Private Security

Previous Occupation: US Army

Siblings: half brother Kang and half sister Lucy

Children: 6yr old adopted daughter Mei

Previous usernames: The Preventer(09'), Agent 49(06')

Hobbies: martial-arts, anime, video games, exercising, playing chess, swimming, and outdoor survival

Beloved anime: gungrave, ruroni kenshin, gundam 00, chrono crusade, code geass, read or die, bleach, naruto, and many more ^_^

Beloved video games: final fantasy series, tom clancy games, fable games, star ocean series, call of duty and battlefield games, tales of series, chrono trigger, lunar series, alundra, and many more ^_^

Beloved TV series: x play, south park, family guy, the simpsons, american dad, married with children, dan vs, young justice, the boondocks, king of the hill, the avengers: earth's mightiest heroes, spongebob squarepants, and many more ^_^

Beloved manga: love hina and star ocean

Favorite movies: action, comedy, drama, suspense

Favorite actors: Bruce Lee, Steven Seagal, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, Al Pacino, Bruce Willis, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jason Statham Tony Jaa and more ^_^

Favorite music: west coast rap, alternative rock, punk rock, hard rock,and metal

Favorite artists: Bishop Lamont, West Side Connection, Mac 10, Ice Cube, Rammstein, Blink 182, Of monsters and men, Bury your dead, The Used, DMX, Filter, Smashing Pumpkins, Kill Switch Engage and many more ^_^

Martial arts: all black belts
Kali(Philippines special forces) 17 years
Aikido(Japanese origin) 14 years
SOC-P or Special Operations Combat-Program(united states special forces) 7 years
Krav Maga(Israeli special forces) 6 years

Far Cry 3

If I had to describe this game in one word, it would be unbelievable. This game is beyond truly amazing. I never played a far cry game before this one, but they said it's like skyrim with guns in the commercials. Skyrim was the first elder scrolls game I ever played for more than 5 minutes and I fell in love with it.
I was skeptical at first, I thought they were over exaggerating this game, but I couldn't have been more wrong. I've played for several hours and still haven't done the first mission after the tutorial ones and still don't plan to for quite a while because I'm having to much fun hunting, doing side quests on the broads and finding collectibles to upgrade my weapons.
A once in a generation experience is exactly what far cry 3 is. If you haven't played it or don't own it I highly recommend you get it. If your not sure or don't plan on getting it I urge you to reconsider. It's very very fun. there is even a separate story line for co-op which is also a lot of fun, and I don't even play it online which I hear is just as impressive as the single player campaign.

Spectre's First Thanksgiving

As the name suggests this is the first time in almost 7 years that I have celebrated thanksgiving, and Christmas and New Years for that matter. Usually spend this time of year in Iraq, or where ever else I am needed. But for the first time since I joined the Army, I haven't. I must admit the concept of family holidays did not interest me much. But I'm also no longer a national asset sooooo yeah, different mind set now I think ^_^.

It was very nice to spend the day with my daughter we ate a lot, we went to shimu's house to spend time with his family since my family only consists of 3 people, me, my daughter, and my dad, who isn't even in the country anyway ^_^. Plus his family is much more lively than mine anyway. I don't think I'm gonna go home until after new years. I have no family in Los Angeles anyway ^_^.

Halo 4 >_>

Wow.......I don't think I've ever been more dissapointed in a single game in my entire life. I just beat Halo4 yesterday coz I spent the past several days playing Assassin's Creed 3 *dun get much time to play my games anymore TwT*

I beat the story mode of Halo4, which was a lot of fun I admit, even if the levels were not as creative as in 3, like going into gravemind's entrails. I gave up playing online period a few months ago, I connect my Xbox for DLC and updates only now. So imagine my surprise when I found out they took out firefight and the forge world that were in halo reach, and that is doubled by the fact you need a gold membership to actually access any online content anyway. The main problem with this is I live in America, and we have lots of rural areas where their is no ready high-speed internet, and I've heard about huges net, and a lot of my friends that have it says it lags bad enough to where they wont play competitively online.

I was very, very dissapointed by 343 industries, 4 felt like a watered down version of 1 or 2, with a new storyline, and for a starting company taking up the largest console title on the planet that's so pathetic it's not funny. I was so upset that after beating it and finding out there was no forge world, no firefight, nothing but online play, I took the game back to gamestop and sold it. I never abandon games I find fun, I have been playing splinter cell conviction, rainbow six:vegas 2, GTA4, need for speed: hot pursuit 2010, Legend of Zelda: twilight princess and more at least once every month or so for the past 3 years now. I expect this for COD, but at least they include spec ops *even if I can't stand it, it's still there >_>* but not halo, I really did expect more, and I think when halo5 comes out I'll rent it from gamefly instead of buying it.

Dreams of Dying @_@

For the past several nights in a row, I have been waking up in the middle of the night from dream were I die. It started Friday, where I died in a car crash. Then Saturday I tried wrestling a gun away from someone and lost which doesn't even make sense since I specialize in hand to hand combat -.-, on top of that there is no struggle with my kind, the one who lands the first blow usually lives. Sunday There was a windstorm that blew something large into to me(can't remember what). Finally last night I was climbing a cliff for whatever ever reason and preempted to fall to my death. I've been wondering if all this means I'm going to die soon or if sleep is just going to become and remain an impossibility for me -.-

Spectre's Fairy Tail Guild ^_^

Those of you who know me personally know what I do for a living and already know whats going on ^_^. For those of you who don't I'm leaving because of work related priorities ^_^. But there are a few things I want to say before I leave. I truly love this site, I have been on it for a long time and only had 2 times I was in chat for an extended period of time, the first time was just 2 months, the first week was great, then I met some of the most patience testing people I have ever met in my life ^_^, so I left the site to never return.

Well 3 years went by and I decided one day out of the blue to get back on, When I came back I recognized one person(mira ^w^), but what else I found were some of the most welcoming and warm-hearted people I have ever met in my life. People that everyday, every minute I spent around, made me laugh and smile more and more. These people are very special to me, I watch as they fought, made-up, laughed together, cried together, sang together, smiled together, comforted each other. this is my fairy tail guild, my family. When I first came back I felt kinda like Natsu, I didn't quite fit in, but everyone was still very welcoming. That's why theO is my fairy tail guild ^_^. I have lots of great memoires on this site, not from 3 years ago, from now when I was here since january of this year to today.

I remember when I first met Teapartyprincess, I remember her constantly trying to get me to talk ^_^, I remember when I first changed my username to Spectre and would act like a ghost haunting chat, she would put me in a jar and wouldn't let me out until I promised to be a nice ghost ^_^. I remember when I first met Molleta and she was marinating RedJ to feed him to a pokemon she wanted to catch XD. I remember when I first met Angel and she almost freaked when she found out I was dad, I remember when Moka became my little sis on here based on a conversation about when Los Angeles was hosting an anime convention, and IJNeptune for no other reason than she asked. I remember when I met Amiisyuu based on nothing more than her thanking me for defending our country in the US military. I remember my first chat with ZuZu Uchia was about the SW 500 magnum. I remeber when I first met Pandabearluv, all I ever did was forget to put my foot in my mouth, but one time I finally got it right and she became one of my best friends XD.

I remember so much, coz I have so many good memories from this site. Shimuzaki, Baka Red, Silent Pajero, Somegirl, Butterfly Kiss, Willotaku, Firezero, xXShaydeWolfXx, ChiChi6, DragonSeiryuka, HelloKatty, Omnia1, Cyclone Sabre, Emotional Freak, so many memories with so many people I could fill a dictionary using usernames as definable words ^_^. This place is truly like another home to me. I have so many friends here and I will miss them all while I am away, but I will be back, last time it was so easy to leave, but it's almost impossible this time. I love this place, The hardest thing about leaving is I have to leave my friends, but what I have to look forward to is coming back and seeing all of them again. When Shimuzaki first brought me to this site I was intrigued until I left, the I came back and was hopeful, when I came back this time I was skeptical, but now that I have to leave I am sad I cannot lie, but I am also smiling coz I will be back, back to the same warm and wonderful people and maybe even some new ones that found they're way here while I was gone ^_^. 7thEvaChild is a very good friend of mine who asked me a very serious question once, he asked why I am on a site like this. Because of what I do for a day job, that is a logical question, but this post is my answer to that one ^_^. The people on here make this site and I am glad to have been give the honor of at least meeting such a wonderful group of anime and manga fans ^_^.

There are 3 rules to leaving the Fairy Tail Guild

1. Never share sensitive information about the guild so long as you live.

2. Never contact any clients you worked for while in the guild for your own personal gain.

3. Although our paths may stray, promise to live your lives to the fullest everyday. That means you must treat everyday as if it were your last in this world, and.....never forget your fairy tail friends, treasure them as long as you live.

Please all my friends do this with me so, if I lose my way, I can just look up to find they way back here :).