Welcome to my House of Ghosts. This is my world in my mind, it is a place where I hold my thoughts and the thoughts of my friends and family. A place to look at myself in the mirror if you will. My life is full of wonders and hardships. A lot of both I bring on myself so it's not like I'm complaining. I am a very complex person who contradicts himself at every turn, makes life interesting that way.

-----------------------------------My Tumblr----------------------------------
It's there if you want, but I only have like 3 posts on it.

When someone become a friend, no matter how far away you get, when you come back together, it's as if you never left ^_^

Name: Steven Desmond Reigns

Height: 5' 10"(70in)

Weight: 195lbs(88.6kg)

Age: 24

DOB: 9/21/1987

City: Los Angeles, California

Country: United States of America

Occupation: Private Security

Previous Occupation: US Army

Siblings: half brother Kang and half sister Lucy

Children: 6yr old adopted daughter Mei

Previous usernames: The Preventer(09'), Agent 49(06')

Hobbies: martial-arts, anime, video games, exercising, playing chess, swimming, and outdoor survival

Beloved anime: gungrave, ruroni kenshin, gundam 00, chrono crusade, code geass, read or die, bleach, naruto, and many more ^_^

Beloved video games: final fantasy series, tom clancy games, fable games, star ocean series, call of duty and battlefield games, tales of series, chrono trigger, lunar series, alundra, and many more ^_^

Beloved TV series: x play, south park, family guy, the simpsons, american dad, married with children, dan vs, young justice, the boondocks, king of the hill, the avengers: earth's mightiest heroes, spongebob squarepants, and many more ^_^

Beloved manga: love hina and star ocean

Favorite movies: action, comedy, drama, suspense

Favorite actors: Bruce Lee, Steven Seagal, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, Al Pacino, Bruce Willis, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jason Statham Tony Jaa and more ^_^

Favorite music: west coast rap, alternative rock, punk rock, hard rock,and metal

Favorite artists: Bishop Lamont, West Side Connection, Mac 10, Ice Cube, Rammstein, Blink 182, Of monsters and men, Bury your dead, The Used, DMX, Filter, Smashing Pumpkins, Kill Switch Engage and many more ^_^

Martial arts: all black belts
Kali(Philippines special forces) 17 years
Aikido(Japanese origin) 14 years
SOC-P or Special Operations Combat-Program(united states special forces) 7 years
Krav Maga(Israeli special forces) 6 years

Songs I listen to when I'm depressed

It's very rare that I get depressed because I have so much self confidence, but when I fall, It's the distance between heaven and hell. These are the songs I listen to to make me feel better or remind me that things aren't so bad ^_^. Well to be fair I listen to them all the time since they're some of my favorite songs XD.

No one is invincible, everyone breaks sooner or later. How strong you are isn't determined by your ability to hold out, it's decided when you decide to just stay down or get up and keep moving. The first posted song has 1 line that is the absolute truth when you're depressed. The path to happiness is through miles of clouded hell, but it is still there ^_^.

Bro <3

I have written a new post in my worlds, and I don't feel any distress about anything I said in it.

I meant every word. I will proptect u and my younger sisters and brothers no matter what

I love u all that much

Even if you don't want me to protect u, I don't care, I still will. It's my nature

I love u bro

I'm sorry I got banned though... I should of been more careful... but u know what I'm like...

I do wish I could of taken it back in some aspect... but I guess, in away... it was meant to happen for some reason

The thing i'm worried about most though is, not the ammount of trouble that I am in with the mods, or the haters that wish they could see the back of me, I know that I have haters and I know The mods dislike me, except a certain few... but bro, the thing that I worry most of all about is u guys. My family... My Randomz

It's gonna be harder to protect u knowing im not around and I will be worried about u all, all the time, I can't go into chat now and protect u and take the threat away... I need to do things the harder way and I hate that...

I wish I could be with all of u, and the reason I'm writing this in here, is because it's not just a message for u bro, but for all the people I love. All my family and all of my Close Friends.

I need u guys and I want to protect u.
Now I don't know if ur ok and I'm scared for that, that and I can't talk to u all properly anymore and I hate that more.

I love u all

*Big huggles all around*

Stay in touch

External Image


Omnia here

hiya guys i've been banned i think from chat. so if u wanna stay in contact send me a pm and i will give u something so that we can stay in contact still

I love you My Randomz... please don't forget me.


It's always a woman

warning: I reveal the first parts of the dawnguard expansion for skyrim in this post, read at your own discretion

Alright so I am play the dawnguard expansion for skyrim. Well when I bought the expansion I was going to join the dawnguard to defeat the vampires, coz I gave up my werewolf powers as a companion and I wasn't gonna be a vampire either.

well I stared the expansion with that in mind went to the dawnguard and they sent me to find out what the vampires were looking for, and I did, this really hot vampire chick.

So I followed the quest and escorted her home, when I got there I was given 2 choices.the first was to become a vampire and stay, and the second was to leave and never return. So against what I said, I became a vampire.

So her dad the vampire king sent me to get something for them, them being the vampires of course. Well I did then when I got back the vampire chick wanted to talk to me. She doesn't trust her father, so I betrayed the dawnguard for this chick and now her dad the head vampire also for this chick. Coz the only reason I became a vampire to begin with was for this chick.

Like i said I am a sucker for women, even in a video game, I cant fight my nature XD.

To my beloved Aniki

I have been so proud of you lately XD im happy that you have such an amazing daughter, and that you found Lai Lai. She doesn't realize how lucky she is. I mean, come on. You're like one of the freaking amazingest guys i know! No, not just caz of what you told me the first time we talked (hint: fortune 500) but because of what i've noticed after we became friends. At first, i didn't really think that much of you (we only had 1 convo about E3) but as I got to know you, I got to see all sorts of sides of you. I saw happy, angry, sad, really pissed, and other sides. I realized that I am not the only person in this world that has suffered severely. Be it physical, mental, or other forms, but many many others have suffered worse than I. You helped me to realize this. I am so glad that I have become your little sister, and you have been an amazing big brother. Love you!