I was in my living room watching the last episode of Gungrave (Dusk of the Destroyers) when my daughter walked in and started watching it with me. As we watched it, she kept asking me who one of the main characters Brandon Heat a.k.a Beyond the Grave(or just Grave) is. I told her over and over who it was, when the episode ended I wanted to know why she wanted to know so bad.
She said its because he reminded her of me. It's no secret Gungrave is my favorite anime. I never thought about it but she was right, we are exactly alike. Brandon Heat had a bad life as a child, he believes in putting his family and friends before everything else. Finally he believes that you never betray family. Is this starting to sound familiar to anyone XD.
Maybe these reasons that make us so alike, subconsciously drove me to love Gungrave and Brandon. It may just be another reason why it's my favorite anime and always will be. Just some food for thought :).