New Quiz about me

I was looking at friends worlds, and found this in my sister mira's. So I took it and filled it out.

1. Perfect? Look up Paragon, then you’ll have your answer XD
2. Tall? 5’10”
3. In your pajamas? I don’t have pajamas
4. Left handed? Ambidextrous when necessary

1. Friend you saw: Vice
2. Talked to on the phone: Asst. Asset director in Connecticut
3. Person to text you: no one
4. Was today better than yesterday? Same, started great, then slid downhill

1. Number: 49
2. Color(s): Silver
3. Fruit: Orange
4. Place: My Job

1. Are you missing someone right now? No
2. Are you happy? Usually yes, but not really right now
3. Are you sad? Usually not
4. Are you bored? Sometimes
6. Are you nervous? Almost never
8. Are you tired? Not really

1. Eating? Nothing
2. Drinking? Limited edition Batman mountain dew
3. I'm about to: Finish this quiz
4. Listening to? The tv
5. Plans for today? Maybe going back to work

1. Drank bubbles? Like champagne?, if so then yes
2. Lost glasses/contacts? I don’t have glasses
3. Ran away from home? Could have let as I pleased
4. Broken someone's heart? A lot
5. Been arrested? Yes

1. Miracles? I make miracles, depending on the circumstances, so yes
2. Yourself? Is water wet
3. Heaven? yes
4. Santa Claus? No
4. Love? Yes
5. Do you like someone? I like lots of people, they are all my friends
6. Do you believe in God? Yes
7. Answered the truth on all questions? Of course

Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Worked out, like every morning

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: Yes, a lot of things, but mainly probs with my job

Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: Safe house, I just got the dvd, a few days ago

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: My job

Q: Do you smile a lot?
A: sometimes

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: No

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Decide that for yourself

Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: on my couch with my daughter

Q: When was the last time you cried:
A: When I had a dream about my mom a few months ago

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A. I don’t think before I sleep

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 9

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: the tv

Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: No

Q: What's your favorite month?
A: September

Q: What did you do last night?
A: Watched tv, worked out more, practiced shooting
