Random Dating Quiz

1. What would you do if a blind guy/girl started hitting on you?
I dated a blind girl a long time ago, she taught me Aikidio, I also learned a style of Bushido that is a close held secret to her family. Those who tried to learn it, feared death and would have been killed trying. But she was blind she could not see death coming, so there was no fear. To make sure I could properly learn it I was blindfolded everyday before training, I was forged in darkness so the blackness did not phase me. After the first time we trained she put her hands on my face She saw my anger, my sadness, everything I tried to hide by always smiling. She was the first person I ever truly loved, but it was not to be, she was very very sick, even while training me I knew this. I spent a lot of time with her, Since I wasn't bound to school, because of a personal tutor and home schooling, I could pretty much do what I wanted as a child. A few years together and she got even worse and she eventually passed away. As you can guess I was devastated and I thought I would never go back. I came back several years later to receive my first tattoo from her father. A black dragon made to look like a demonic ghost, with one special request for it, I wanted it to be blind, to have no eyes, in her honor. From then on that dragon was that secret style, my knives would be the dragon's teeth, my swords it's claws. Every year since I got this tattoo when I go to TGS I visit her grave one of the reason there is no excuse for me not to go.
2. Single or Taken?
It's complicated.

3. Ever been in a fight?
I was in the Army, enough said.

4. If so with who and did you win? And did you use your fists or a weapon?
Starts with fists, usually ends with weapons.

5. Do you get in trouble for things you didn't do?
Oh yeah, I used to all the time.

6. What would you do if you found out your best friend were gay?
I have lots of friends that are gay.

7. Would you still hang out with them or ditch them and stop talking to them completely?
Yes, it's nothing to be ashamed of.

8. If you could speak 3 different languages, what would they be?
I already speak 5 different languages, English, Arabic, Korean, Chinese, and Russian. I know sign language also, but if I had to pick 3 more they would be German, French, and Italian.

9. What would you rather have been named? Or do you like your name?
I love my name, that's why I haven't changed it yet.

10. Country you've most wanted to visit?
I have no idea, I have been to every country I wanted to go to.

Would you hit your friend if you found out that he/she were going with your bf/gf?
Probably not, I would let them have each other though.

You and your friends are bored? What do you do?
We go to a nightclub or a concert. They get drunk, I get women(I don't drink alcohol). They always get violent, I always get phone numbers. Then we have a good old fashioned bar fight, which I always get drug into somehow. I just chalk it up to the other guys don't like the fact that I am getting all the attention form the ladies, that or my friends said I got there back if the other guys want to go*shrugs*. Some people getting pummeled, the bouncer shows up, I smooth things over with the manager and pay for the damages.

Do you find piercings/tattoos attractive?
Yes, I have a few tattoos, but no piercings.
Are you addicted to anything?

What songs stuck in your head?

Are you sporty or just pure lazy?
I am very athletic

When was the last time you went to a party?
Hmmmmmm, a long time ago

Was it any good?
I got laid, soooooo yeah it was.

What is the point of life?
Everyone has their own point of life, something they want to do with the time they have. Mine is to take what I want, when I want, and crush anyone or anything that tries to get in my way.

Do you hate Twilight as much as I do?
I don't like twilight, but I have never seen it so I can't say I hate it either.

Who was the last person to make you laugh?
My daughter

Ever had a prank go wrong?

Ever tried to outrun a bus?

If you were to jump out of your bedroom window right now, would you get badly injured?
Normally yes, it's on the 3rd floor, but I know techniques to avoid fall damage.

What's the stupidest thing you've done?
That's a long list I'd have to type up lol

Do you wanna try sky diving? I know I do?
I have done it several times already

Ever smart mouthed at a cop?
Why yes, indeed I have

Ever been held in jail for a night?
Once again yes

If so what could you have possibly done?
Smart mouthed a cop lol

Wanna try bungee jumping?
I have before

One word to descibe yourself?

To describe your friends?

What do you think is at the bottom of the rainbow?
The ground >w>

Would you save a child if it meant possibly being killed yourself?

What do you have planned for the weekend?
Nothing really

Would you talk to a stranger on the internet?
Well they won't become friends if you don't

What's on your mind right now?
This quiz

You wake up as the opposite sex, what's the first thing you do
Play with my boobs, honest answer -3-

When you look in a mirror just after waking up, what thought runs through your head?
Good morning God, and how are you today

Are you hungry? I know I am?
Not really

Turn around, what do you see?
A wall

Can you lick your elbow?

Ever been attacked by a dog?
Yes a lot

What do you think of wedding?
As in me getting married? I don't see that happening anytime soon.
If you could make anyone disappear, who would it be?
That is my best magic trick

Do you have an interesting scar?

If so, how'd you get it?
It is not something I like discussing ^^

Ever dated someone you didn't find attractive in the least?

Have you ever had a 'kick me' sign stuck to your back and didn't know?

Did you ever begged your parents for a pony when you were little?

Something you regret?
Nothing in the world

Last concert you went to?

Who is the last person that made you cry?
A former friend

Do you actually believe that Alaska is covered in snow?
At certain times of the year

Type your name, only using your elbow!
Swseeteeedfgveehn-There you go, my first name with my elbow

Are you purposely irratating?
If I irritate you, it is most likely on purpose yes.

Ever lost anything down the toilet?

If you were walking down a street and somebody sprayed you with water, what would you do?
I would follow then until we get to a store, then I would buy a gallon of water and pour it on them. I get even with interest -3-.
Have you had any broken bones before?
Almost every one in my body at some point or another.

Do you know all the words to your National Anthem?
Yes actually

Have you ever sat down in a chair but fell to the floor, only to find that someone pulled out your chair on purpose?
Yes when I broke my leg, the person did not find it quite as funny when I broke his jaw with my couch though.
Do things like that still amuse you when they happen to other people?
Depends on the situation

Did you know that twinkle twinkle little star and the alphabet have the same rhyme?

Did you just sing them to make sure?
No I figured it out a while back

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever licked?
No Comment

How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
5-10 minutes usually

Would you rather be able to fly for a day or be invisible for a day?
I was paid to be invisible my whole career, so to be able to fly

If you didnt shower for 3 days do you think you would smell?
Yes, anyone would

Would you rather have a pet Ostrich or a pet Sheep?

What colour is you hair?

Is that your natural hair colour?

Do you have a crush on anyone?

Did you love this survey?
It was alright
