Chapter 10 - The Awakening

Another week has passed. Rini was caressing Sakura’s hair. She had so much to say to her. She silently cried. “I should’ve come with you. I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you.” She laid down on the couch and cried herself to sleep.
Three hours later, Sakura slowly opened her eyes. When her eyes focused, she saw an unfamiliar ceiling. In a panic, she set straight up in bed. She Felt a sharp pain all over her body and yelped. She slowly laid back down.
“Sakura-chan! You’re awake! Thank the gods!” Rini rang out in joy!
Sakura turned to her right to see her sister in tears. “Rini-chan!?” She was so confused. She didn’t’t remember what had happened.
Rini was holding back the tears when she answered. “You’re in the hospital. You were attacked on your way to the store. Don’t you remember?”
Sakura tried to remember what happened. She slowly moved her right hand over the bandages. At that moment… She was in the street walking, when Yumi attacked her! She remembered everything all at once. Her eyes had only one thing in them… terror.
Rini saw the horrifying look she had and gave her a gentle hug.” Sshhh… it’s ok, I’m here.”
Even though it hurt, Sakura cried in her arms. After an hour, Sakura calmed down. She fell asleep from crying. Rini let the nurse know the good news and then called her dad.
Four hours later Sakura woke up. She looked around and saw her dad. She also saw Rai. She smiled. “Daddy! Eto-chan!” She was happy.
They both gave her a soft hug. “I’m so happy you’re awake Sakura-Chan!” Shinichi said with tears.
“I know you’d be ok.” Rai said and gave her a big thumbs up.
“Sakura-san.” Shinichi said sternly. We need to talk to you about what happened.” Shinichi was serious.
Sakura’s eyes had the same look as before. She then turned her head away. “I can’t.” Is all she said.
They both know at once that she was threatened to keep quiet. “Sakura-san, if you’re afraid that Takamoto-San will do something to you, we have a witness.” He said in a comforting voice.
She turned back with tears in her eyes. “You know that Takamoto-Soma did this to me?” She started to cry! She had been holding it in for a while.
“Yess we do. Please Watanabe-Chan, tell us what she did to you.” Rai bowed as she asked.
She looked at them and decided to talk. “ I was walking to the store to get some snacks. I was really excited.” She said sadly. She then put her hand over her right shoulder. “Then out of nowhere a hand grabbed me. It’s nails dug into me. It then pulled me, then pushed me hard into a wall. I could feel something cutting into my back.” She paused and shivered. “I had closed my eyes. I didn’t know what had happened!” She paused and covered her face.
“You ok, Watanabe-San? Come on, you can do it!” Rai said to her trying to encourage her.
“Sorry. It’s just her eyes… They were really terrifying!” She took a deep breath to calm herself down. “Takamoto-Soma was there. Her eyes were dark and cold. She started telling me how I was worthless and how I embarrassed her.” She put her hand over her left cheek. “She then hit me so hard, that she knocked me over. I stand down, laying there is pain. Then she told me that if I told anyone, that she’d firer you! She then went to hit me again! Then I told her I understand and then she left.” She started to cry.
They were beside themselves! They looked at each other. Not knowing what to do. Shinichi took a moment to think. “Sakura-Chan, do you trust me?” He asked.
Sakura stopped crying and looked at him. “Yes I do.” She calmly said.
“Ok, good. Listen carefully. Don’t tell anyone what you told us. Just say you’re not ready to talk about it yet.” He said calmly to her.
“Yes Father.” She replied.
