Chapter 12 - Inner Peace

It’s been a week sense Sakura’s interview. She has been doing very well with her recovery. She is now walking around with her own straight. It still hurts a little when she bends down, but she’s ok with it. Sadly, she still can’t sing yet.
Sakura doesn’t let this get her down. She has been enjoying her manga and playing Mahjong with Rini. It’s now Monday and 1pm. This is when the doctor come in to check up on her.
“Good evening Watanabe-chan. How are you doing?” The doctor asked with a smile.
Sakura looked at her and happily replied, “I’m doing much better!” She signed.
“I can see that you’re able to sign without pain now. This is a good thing to see.” The Doctor was really happy with this.
“Yes, it’s easier now. I just hope my cheeks heal up soon.” Sakura allowed a tear to come out and smiled. “I’d like to sing soon.”
“I’d love to hear that. Can I take a look?” She asked.
“Yes please.” Sakura was eager to know.
The Doctor took a look at Sakura’s wound. “I want you to open as wide as you can without it hurting.” She asked.
Sakura was almost able to open her mouth all the way. The pain shot through her face. She yelped and closed it, while covering it with her hand.
“You ok?” She asked right away.
Sakura removed her hand and there was some blood on it. She had opened one of she cuts. She looked at the doctor. “It’s bleeding again. I guess it’s not ready yet.” She said sadly.
The doctor smiled and cleaned her up. “I guess you're right. The good thing is, it was only one this time.” She gave her a hug.
“Ok, take off your shirt so I can check out your back.” She asked.
Sakura took off her shirt and turned her back to her. She know it wasn’t healed yet, but was hoping for something good. At least she wanted the bruising to be better.
The doctor looked at her back. The circle was already starting to scare. The bruising had change to a lighter color. It was healing up nicely.
“Ok, I’m going to put some pressure on your back. If it hurts, raise your hand. If it’s really bad, tap the bed.” She explained.
Sakura nodded and braced for the pain that might come. The doctor began testing different areas of her back. Sakura raised her hand only a few times. Luckily, there wasn’t any spots that were really bad. This made the doctor really happy.
“Ok, that’s great!” She smiled. “You didn’t have to tap the bed once this time!” They both smiled. “Alright, time to check your shoulder out.” She looked at Sakura’s shoulder. The wound was almost gone. Even better, it wasn’t scaring. “Ok, you can put your shirt back on.” She then made a few notes. “Today was what I’ve been wanting to see.” She gave Sakura a smirk. “I think I can let you go home tomorrow… That is, if you want to?” She said with a wink. “You might miss us!” She laughed.
Sakura laughed with her and then leaped into her arms with a big hug! She then whispered, “Thank you!”
The doctor was caught off guard by that and returned the hug. “I’ll go get your sister and let her know the good news.” She smiled and left.
It is now 9am and Sakura is walking to the front door. All the nurses are cheering for her. She then turned around to face them and bowed. She then got into a taxi with Rini and went home.
When she walked inside her house…
“Surprise! Welcome Home!” Everyone cheered!
Sakura nearly fell over. She saw everyone there! Au, Rai, Her Mom and Dad! Her sisters and her grandparents! There were even some of her Aunts and Uncles there too! She was so overwhelmed, she slid to the floor and cried.
Emiko was setting by Sakura’s bed. Sakura had falling asleep after the party. Au poked her head in. She want to see how she was doing. “I guess we made her a little too happy.” Au giggled.
“I think we did.” Emiko just smiled. Happy to have her daughter home. She then looked up at Au. “She’s going to be okay. Thank you for helping her.” She bowed.
“My pleasure. She’s a dear friend now.” She smiled.
They left the room. Sakura laid there peacefully. She was home. She was finally at ease. She could now sleep where she has been wanting to, Home.
