Calling all Otaku's!!

So I was watching this thing on YouTube and I came up with a great idea! Why don't I hold a Anime Guy of the Month contest? Sounds like it'd be a lot of fun, right? So here's how this is gonna work:

There will be 32 nominees. During each round, the nominees will be paired up. The two nominees in each pair will compete against each other for your votes. You guys are gonna vote for which nominee in each pair that you want to win. The nominee in each pair that has the most votes by the end of the given deadline goes on to the next round. The losers will be disqualified. The winners will be paired up again in the next round and the process will continue until there is one person left. That person will be crowned Anime Guy of the month! Sound simple?


•You can only vote ONCE.

•You absolutely HAVE TO pick ONE. No stupid answers like "oh, I don't know" or "both".

•You have to give me your votes before the deadline.

If you break any of the rules, your vote won't count.


You can send me your votes by messaging me on the Otaku or you can vote by commenting on the round updates.


To get the ball rolling, I need you guys to send me nominees! It wouldn't be fair of me to choose them myself. You can send as many suggestions as you want! You have until Wednesday, August 22nt! Hurry!
