Me:help! i'm bored out of my freaking mind! someone give me a request, or talk to me, or give me ideas on what to do; just give me an idea plz! i'm dieing of boredom!!
NightMask:please excuse my creator, she had sugar-but she isn't lieing about the boredom problem, in fact, i'm bored myself. so please, give us an answer in the next ten minutes. Oh, if your wondering who i am, i'm from Jenns new torcher FMA fic. I get to kill Edward, not once, not twice, but three times! But sadly, she only has the plot down and my name. so i don't get to kill Ed yet.
Me:oh stop your emoness M, i'll write it soon, just not now-i ave a writers block.
N.M.: sure you do.
Me: just shut up. *clears throat* just please give us something to do, we're bored.
N.M.,Me: Ja!!
