A Bad Day Lead to a New Username

Sometime three years ago

I grumbled while plopping into the main computer chair, thinking over the things that happened that day,"Why the hell did we have to get a new email sever thing anyways? Maybe getting on theo and looking at some good art will calm my nevers. Hey, maybe I'll find that I have some new reviews or requests or something," I chuckled at the unlikely hood of me getting a review, much less a request.
I grabbed the mouse and clicked on my web browser and scrolled through the great number that was my bookmarks, and finally found the link to TheOtaku. Once I got to the site, I went to the log in box and typed in my username, PikaGirl816, then typed in the oh-so-secret password.
I started tapping my foot, waiting for my slughish internet to load a simple page, "Ugh, can't wait till we get that high speed internet installed, Finally it was loaded and ready to go, but something wasn't right. I scrunched up my eyebrows in disbelief.
"This can't be right, I know for a fact that I put in the right password and user name!" I whispered to myself loudly. I tried and tried angain but to no avail, it just wouldn't log me in.
"Gosh damn it!!" I slammed my head on my computer screen, not caring if I did damage to my self or the computer. Right now, I had the face of like I knew that the world was going to end right then and there. I whined softly to myself with curses just storming in my head while gathering up the pieces of my broken hope.
I grouned, "I'll just have to freaking create a new account. I was kinda getting board with my old username any way..." I typed in all the fundamental info but was stumped on what my user name should be, "Well, I do like alot of anime and my signature number is 816, so how about AnimeGal816?" I pondered that name for a couple of minutes then smiled, agreeing on the name AnimeGal816.
Author Note: Yupperz, that would be how I got my username. ^^ I know, it could have been the simple, " one day my mom deiced to get a new email address and I ended up not being able to sign in for some reason and ended up getting a new user name, blah blah blah," but I didn't want it to be simple; I wanted a story, so I wrote a story. :3
