Growing Stronger...

Kita could not sleep that night after her talk with Ulquiorra and him ordering her to remain within the walls of Los Noches so she picked up her sword and walked out on the sands of Hueco Mundo. She was quite a distance from Los Noches. Nowhere in sight was a single Espada, the perfect place she had found to train. She hated the fact that every time she started to train in Los Noches someone would interfere. Never getting a full training in it always turned into fighting for your life, but for what she was planning it was best that she stay clear of the others. She did not want anyone to be aware of her progress of her powers and the changes she might go through. Not even Ulquiorra. She was glad that Ujikiyo taught her how to conceal her reiatsu. Now she could grow stronger with each passing day and no one here in Los Noches would be the wiser.

She took a deep breath and slowly withdrew Ferozgarra from its sheath. She held the sword high watching the moon beams bounce from the blade; lifting the blade over her head slowly she slid her left leg back lowering her body into a crouching position, her right leg in front of her and the knee bend. Her left arm extended in front of her. Every part of her body parallel with her sword as she held it above her head. Swinging her left leg around and pushing herself to a full stand she brought the sword in front of her bringing it to her right side in a block, taking another step she turned swinging the sword up and back down to her left for another block. She then side stepped and moved back bringing the sword around in front of her to attack. With each movement she made it became quicker and quicker, until she was moving so fast her blade was a blur. Suddenly she lunged forward with her sword and called out.


As quick as the word was spoke, her sword changed to a different form. A long chain wrapped behind her extending down her left arm, and wrapped firmly around her left hand. In the same hand she spun the end of the chain in which a counter weight was attached. In front of her extended more chain as she held it in her right hand, and at the end of that chain was a windmill blade. Quickly it spun as she directed it toward a large tree. With the flick of her wrist the chain gave a slight tug.


She called, and the windmill blade seemed to explode with 100’s of razor sharp *happogota’s. The tree then exploded into dust and small wood particles as it was struck. As the dust settled there stood Kita. Upon her body she wore armor that covered her shoulders and upper parts of her arms and the lower part of her legs, and to her surprise she had gained a tail and what seemed to be a helmet that covered the top of her head like a crown coming slightly down the sides of her head stopping above her now pointed ears and encircling her eyes that were now a deep purple. In her new gain she learned her speed and agility has increased greatly. As had her hearing and sight. Her training daily was finally starting to pay off, but she knew she still had a long road ahead if she were to ever defeat any of the Espada in Los Noches.


*Happogota: 8 Pointed Shuriken.
