
Hitting the wall hard Kita slide down it sitting to the floor. She narrowed her eyes at the creature in the room as she slowly got from the floor.

“I don’t know what. Or who you are, but I am not taking kindly to be tossed around like a rag doll.” She stepped quickly toward the door opening it to let light in. Just as she did the light rested on none other then Zeshin. Just then, she clutched her chest her eyes widened and she fell to one knee. It was back. That feeling she always got when she was human and walking past Urahara’s Shop, but this feeling was stronger. So strong it felt as if it were forcing the wind from her lungs and crushing her heart. She looked to Zeshin her eyes still wide.

“Is it him? Was he the one causing this feeling?” Kita thought to herself.
Afraid to do anymore harm to the girl Toshiro bolted out the open door; he ran through the halls of Los Noches. Only a blur to the visual eye.

"Crap!" Kita exclaimed as she took off after him. She was quickly upon him. She wanted to stop him but was not sure how. Finally, it came to her.

"CAPTAIN TOSHIRO HITSUGAYA!" she yelled out his name and rank hoping it would stop him from running away.

There was something wrong, but she did not know what. He was acting possessed. Like the arrancar had taken over in him. If it had she was in a bad place. She knew she would not survive him if he attacked her again and was serious.

Toshiro was beyond recognizing his own name. He continued to run till he was out of Los Noches, and far into the sands of Hueco Mundo. Only when he could no longer see the oppressive castle did he stop.

Kita stopped a few feet from him. Her yelling his name did not stop him she knew then he could not be related with in this conduction, but how would she reach him? How could she get him back in the right mind? She started to worry wondering if he needed to feed and if he did. What would happen to Toshiro? She was not familiar with soul reapers, but she was certain they did not feed on hollows. Kita did not take her eyes from him for a second. She knew it could cost her, her life if she did.

There out in the sands Toshiro released all the reitsu he could muster. Every last ounce of it. The sand swirled all around him, being pushed away from him as though a dust twister were rampaging through. He could sense that she had followed him, and if she wanted to die then that was on her. When every bit of it was gone he collapsed into the sands, completely drained of all energy.

Kita watched Toshiro and felt his release she sonidoed back to get out of the way, at least out of range. However, it was not far enough and he was releasing it too quickly for her to get farther away. She fell to her knees. Then down on all fours.

“His reiryoku. So. Crippling. So. Strong.” Kita’s head was lowered and she felt as if she were being pushed down into the sand. Feeling a slight relief she slowly lifted her head to see Zeshin fall to the sand. Kita was not long behind him as she collapsed to her side.

No response came from the young soul reaper in disguise, both his and Zeshin"s mind had slipped back into darkness. He was unconscious. The sand began to settle around them, and as it did a small slip of paper settled itself upon him.