Straight to the Source

It was late in the evening and Zeshin sat alone in his quarters staring into the nothingness. He had began the day training with his new Fraccion, and he had felt very excited to have one. That feeling though started to diminish. In fact, he felt as though he were missing several emotions, but he could not figure out why.

He decided to consult with someone close to him and made his way to their room. He stood outside the doorway and hesitantly knocked. He only slightly wondered if he were waking the one on the other side.

"You may enter, Zeshin." A voice rang from the other side. He opened the door, "I'm sorry father. Did I wake you?" Aizen’s skin crawled at that name as he looked away rubbing his temple. “No. I was awake. Is there something wrong?”

"I'm not entirely sure..." He closed the door and crossed the room to sit in front of Aizen much like a son would sit in front of his father during a story. "I just noticed something odd today, and I wanted to see what you could make of it." Aizen looked to Zeshin as he sat in the chair across from him. "And what might that be?"

"I think I may be losing my emotions......" Aizen could not help but chuckle lightly at his concern. “Emotions are inadequate to an Espada. They only hinder dictions and in our profession that is not acceptable.”

"You call me an Espada, but I don't think that is true. I do not have a hollow hole in me."

"Have you seen a hollow hole on Kita? She is an Arranacar. Having one or not having one does not make you what you are."

"Come on Father. Even I can tell she is something different. What exactly are we? I know you know." Aizen looked on at the boy that sat before him his mind revolving in thought. “You are a new breed that I have created. That is all you need to know of your existence.” Aizen rose from his sitting position and walked around the couch where he sat. “Be proud that you were given another chance and it was I that gave it to you. As far as your emotions; they are not required. Let them slip away never to return. I do not need you, as well, turning into an obsessed idiot like the Fourth. Keep your head about you and do as you are told and all will go efficiently for you here.”

"What is the fourth obsessed with?"

"The Ser--" Aizen corrected himself quickly, "his fraccion. Of course."

"....aph," Zeshin automatically said.

Aizen snapped his look toward Zeshin, eyes narrowed. "Kita. She belongs to him. Or so he wishes to believe. I connected them when I created her to keep her close. She is of importance to me and will be needed in the near future. Because of this they have bonded more than I expected. Ulquiorra of all the Espada was my best bet in doing this. He cares for no one not even himself, but Kita has changed him. And not for the better…….” Aizen trailed off.

"What are you going to do to fix it?"

"There is nothing I can do. What has been done cannot be undone. She will remain connected to him until death and then and only then will he be free of the bond." Aizen informed him.

"But it is also safe to assume that he will not return to his old self even then."

"If he lives that long." Aizen smirked.

"You plan to kill your fourth Espada?"

"I will kill anyone that gets in the way of my endeavor. I need Kita--” Aizen looked toward Zeshin in silence as he thought to himself. “And you Toshiro Hitsugaya.” His look then drifted away from him as he continued. “And there is no guarantee she will live through what I need her for. I can see him interfering in that.”

"What can I do to help father?"

Again that word; causing Aizen’s skin to crawl once more. “There is nothing to do at this point. Only keep Kita here in Las Noches and away from any Soul Reaper. She is not allowed to wander off. She has a bad reputation for leaving and going to the human realm. She has friends there and those friends will only make things harder for us.”

"And what of the fourth?"

“I will deal with him.” Aizen turned and looked to Zeshin. “In time--” He walked around the couch taking a seat once more. “Ulquiorra has reared his head once more in the halls of Las Noches. Which means, he finished with his glowering. He will do one of two things. He will come to you. Kill you. Taking Kita back. Or he will come to me and demand I take her from you. Returning her to his side. Either way, be on your guard, Zeshin.”

He took a sip of his tea sitting it back to the table. "You have made an enemy of a very dangerous adversary.”

"In truth I am not worried about him. I am more curious about the power building inside me. He would be a good test if it were to ever explode."

Aizen smirked, “Try not to freeze the palace if and when it does. I am not fond of the cold.”

"Lol, I will try not to." Zeshin stood up and hugged Aizen. "Good night Father." Aizen was taken aback at the hug, but did not try to move away from it. “Good night, Zeshin. Rest well.”
