
I amy or may not have covered this before but training may be vital to your survival at some times. Lets face it most of us aren't in the epidome of health we could use some work(I am Chubby and I could use some work to) but we as americans indulge in fast foods from time to time but this will have to change when zombies are trying to rip out you innards and slurp on them like spaghetti(to Graphic?) you will need all of your training to combine if you are stuck in a swarm of undead and zombies trying to munch on your skull like a piece of steak and you are unarmed you may only have one chance at killing it (or them if your luck stinks) breaking their skull like a freakin egg it sounds hard but in reality well its hard but not not impossible it can be done and if you tarined and are stuck in this situation( for your sake lets hope not) you will be gald you trained. Well thats all for now slayers of the undead I will get back to you later until then heed these words Ya gotta get em in the head.
