The harsher the climate the safer

this is true in most situations because if you want to be left alone because most people don't have the brains (or the guts) to go into the wilds and build a base because they don't realize the farther away from civilization you are in this situation the better if you build a base in Antarctica you will encounter no people because this climate is so hard the going will be tough if you set up base down here but it will keep you alive if any zombies make it to your new shore which isn't likely will be frozen after some time because the snow will keep building until the flesh bags freeze then they can be dealt with in one of the more fun ways of dispatching them because they are frozen they can be broken all you need to do is take a small well equipped scouting party and send them on the outskirts of the perimeter if they find any zombies they just drive by on snowmobile's and shatter their heads with their melee weapon of choice ( I prefer a titanium crowbar). That is all for this post fellow zombie slayers check back next time I may have something new for you if not just stay alive.
