Yes a car is good and it can run over more zombies than you can count but there are two problems one is Gas two is noise now a hybrid can fix this problem quite easily but the thing you have to worry about is whether to use gas or electric. If you have to travel a long distance for meds or maybe you have friends on the west side that have a good fortifications either way a hybrid is your best bet if you had a bicycle generator you could charge it when you reach a safe zone but if you plan on inner-city travel than honestly don't listen to the zombie survival guide they tell you to use a bike yea that may work if you know there are no zombies in the vicinity and you also have to take into the factor of if you could really pedal a few miles to get away from the shambling undead People sometimes you can listen to me but remember the best thing to do is trust your instincts I can't cover every situation for you so it's up to you to do what you think is necessary. Stay alive stay healthy live long and prosper.