
What do you have:
[x] Mother
[x] Father
[ ] Step-Father
[ ] Step-Mother
[ ] Step Sister
[ ] Step Brother
[x] Brother
[ ] Brother In Law
[x] Sister
[ ] Sister In Law
[ ] Half Sister
[ ] Half Brother
[ ] Nephew
[ ] Niece
[ ] Boyfriend/Girlfriend
[x] Mobile Phone
[ ] Own Bathroom
[x] Own Room
[x] Have/had a swimming pool
[ ] Have/had a hot tub
[ ] Guest room
[x] Living room
[x] Own computer
[x] Own TV
[ ] Flat TV
[x] There is some big carpet at your house
Total: 11

[ ] Full size/queen bed
[ ] More than 8 pairs of shoes
[x] MP3 Player/ipod
[x] PS2/3
[x] Nintendo DS or PSP
[ ] Gameboy/Advance
[x] Gamecube
[x] Xbox/Xbox 360
[x] Wii
[ ] Your own laptop
[ ] Basketball net/hoop
[ ] Air hockey table
[ ] Pool table
[ ] Ping pong table
[ ] football table
[ ] sport gear
Total so far: 17

[ ] Night Stand
[ ] Stereo in bedroom
[ ] surround system
[ ] DVD player in bedroom/portable (It's part of my tv(Also has a VCR!). Does that still count???)
Total so far: 17

[ ] Go shopping at least once a week
[ ] Expensive cologne/perfume
[x] Camera on phone
Total so far: 19

[ ] Go cart/car/quad (We used too! And probably still do, but it's old and most likely broken and sitting in the old garage collecting dust...)
[x] Guitar/drums/bass
[x] Piano/keyboard
[ ] Any other instrument
[ ] Been on a cruise
[ ] Traveled out of the country
[ ] Had a personal trainer
[ ] Expensive Jewelry
[ ] Met a celeb
Total so far: 21

[ ] Straightener/curling iron
[ ] Have been to the batting cage
[ ] Have $100 on you right now in your pocket/wallet
[ ] Credit card or ATM card or debit card or bank card
[x] Have a TV in your room
[ ] Mirror in your room
[x] Window in your room
[ ] Been to Paris
[ ] Been to Rome
[ ] Been to Australia
[ ] Been to Switzerland
[ ] Been to Dubai
[ ] Been to Germany
[ ] Been to a place in 7 wonders
Total so far: 23

[x] Parents have a car
[ ] Have owned or own a jet ski/boat
[x] Had/Have camped
[ ] Been to 3+ states/countries/provinces
[ ] 80+ buddies on facebook/myspace (lol no one knows my facebook and neither do i honestly. *forgot*)
Total so far: 25

[ ] Have a home cooked meal almost everyday
[ ] Been in a limo
[ ] Been in a helicopter
[x] Own a camera
[ ] Have been to Disneyland/World more than 2 times
Total: 26

Post as:
1-25 = Ghetto! (tag 5 people)
26-40 = Average teen! (tag 10 people)
41-50 = Spoiled teen! (tag 15 people)
51+ = Upper class snob! (tag 20 people)

I tag whoever reads this
