Wish me luck

Mood: Groggy
Working on: staying awake
Listening to: The dog go crazy

Hello, everyone ^.^
Yes, I did just wake up, don't ask me
why it's earlier than 11. Anyway, I'm
working on another picture of my OC
Kasandra, it's going to be of her in a
Kimono for emeraldsky's Yukimura Clan
Roleplay =D

Also, today I'm going to see Eclipse
with my younger and older sister and
our mom, so, as the title states,
wish me luck =D Hopefully it wont be
as bad as the others, cause a lot of
people were saying it was at least
watchable. The other two I was constantly
trying not to break out in laughter.
I've seen movies based off books before so
it makes no sense that you could screw
up -that- bad. Or maybe I just haven't
seen enough...

Anyway, yeah. Still willing to accept
any requests, so feel free to start throwing
them at me =)
