Two can play that game

Mood: Highly Annoyed
Working on: Trying not to kill artists
Listening to: The TV

What is it with people anymore?
I'm trying to get art of my OCs and everyone
refuses to draw them because they aren't
stupid little "kawaiidesune" OCs. Also
including furfag OCs, 10 year old slave OCs,
and whatever other "kawaiidesune" OCs
idiots can come up with. Why?! Why must
people defile what was once known as art
with these immature things?!

I miss the days when OCs were really ORIGINAL.
Anymore it's just stupid little school clones
going with whatever their 'friends' are doing.
BUT, that's okay, because two can play at that
game. You refuse to draw SERIOUS, ORIGINAL characters?
I refuse to draw stupid little "kawaiidesune" ANYTHINGS.
