Happy Halloween?

Mood: Happy
Working on: Not eating all my candy at once
Listening to: Bliss by Muse

Hiii everybody! Haven't posted
here in ages, hah. Anyway, I went
trick or treating last night, dresed
up as a slutty nun. I got a few comments
on my costume, all of them pretty funny.
My sisters, A.K.A as Whyteraven and
Mistress Amoranta, went as well.
Raven dressed as a pirate and amor
went as a some sort of mythical
creature xD.

However, we didn't get much
candy, so like the sneaky devils
we are, we're going shopping today
for candy sales xD. And here I am
struggling with just this much, lol.
I'm also sorry I didn't draw a Halloween
picture like I should have, I just
never got the chance D=.

So Happy late Halloween xD
