Chapter 55: That was Way too Close


I quickly turned around when I heard a deep voice from behind us. It was Nori parents and Aiko. “Mr. Hira.” I greeted and he gave me a slight glare. “Uh, sorry.” I bowed deeply “Afternoon father, mother.” I corrected myself. It was strange calling them that. I have an actual mother and father, but they insist on me calling them by mother and father because I’m adopted into their family as well.

“Are you two alright? You’re not hurt are you?” Mrs. Hira was instantly worried as she stepped in front of Mr. Hira and squished my cheeks and turned my head both ways and lifted my shirt to make sure that I wasn’t trying to hide any injuries. My face beat red from her doing this in front of Elena of all people.

“Speak now. What happened?” Mr. Hira said crossing his arms.

“Elena and I decided on practicing together today after classes were out and Nori and Eevie both agreed with us to switch it up a bit instead of sparing against who we normally do so Eevie is good with magic and we were trying to be safe so she used a concealing spell and when we took a break Aiko bopped in and started chatting with us and then Yun came up in a panic and exorcist came busting through the door and Nori and I switched and we all ended up here.” I answered quickly trying to weave a fairly decent explanation that sounded believable so that we didn’t have to tell them that we were actually up on the roof to tell Eevie and Elena that Nori’s engaged, but we don’t know to who.

“You realize how dangerous having exorcist around is for the both of you? When a demon is exorcised during a possession the human is fine while the demon is killed and they're sent back into the cycle of life. But this is a bonding, who knows what would happen to either of you if they that happens.” Mr. Hira scolded me and I looked down at the floor.

“We know, but we have to go back to school, please.” I felt a strong hand grab my jaw line and pulled my head up.

“Do not hang your head. Not in front of me or anyone. You stand strong and proud for what you believe in. Now try that sentence again and look at me when you say it.” Mr. Hira let his hand slip away from my chin and I stared up at him for a good minuet before straightening myself up.

“May we be allowed to go back to school. Please father, it’s really important to me.” I said and I felt Yun’s little hand rest against my cheek.

Mr. Hira sighed and crossed his arms over his chest looking down at me. “You two are staying through dinner.”

I perked up and a huge smile spread across my face. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I hugged him.

I felt a hands on the top of my head. “I would like to talk with your and Nori privately, though.” Before I could remove my arms from around Mr. Hira he had already teleported us to a different room in the manor. “Yun, that means remove yourself from the room.”

Mr. Hira was extremely quick with realizing that Yun never left my shoulder. “Yes my lord.” Yun said and jumped off my shoulder and I heard him poof then two light taps on the floor. I pulled away from Mr. Hira slightly to see that Yun had changed into his human form.

“Yun do you think that you could keep Elena company please?” I asked politely and he smiled and bowed.

“Of course,” He replied as he stood up and walked out of the room leaving Mr. Hira and us alone.

Before I could ask what he wanted to talk about he pulled the golden chain that I was wearing hand had mostly tucked into my shirt. It wasn’t a thick chain or anything just a thin chain that I was trying to figure out what sort of charm to put on it. “What’s this?”

“Oh, it’s a chain that has a concealing spell on it. It’s just to be safe. Eevie is good with magic and she was able to take her concealing spell and place it on the necklace. Just to be safe and everything.” I explained as he let it drop back down to my chest.

“I don’t want you to get attached to this girl that you brought with you,” He said bluntly more then likely getting right to the point.

“Can you, at least, tell us who Nori is engaged to?” I questioned and Mr. Hira shook his head.

“No you both can wait until your Christmas break. That’s what we agreed on. Also, keep Yun close. Don’t let him out of your sight. If there are exorcist with in the school if you two become separated Yun could be exorcised. Yes, he has the fire element that he can protect himself with, but his strongest forms are the weapon forms he has. I need both of you to be on your guard and don’t act recklessly. One of your siblings will be checking up on you once a week to make sure that you two aren’t doing something stupid and reckless.” Mr. Hira put a finger to my nose and pushed me back a bit by bit till he was leaning over me and I was bent practically in half. “Understood?”

I nodded quickly. He did scare me a bit when he’s so serious like this. ‘Noel can, chill, dad’s just being over protective as always.’

“I know, but he still does scare me as much as I say he doesn’t.”

‘He can frighten anyone when he wants to.’ Nori chuckled in my head. ‘But you do seem to be a bit more comfortable around him. Even with this only being your second time here.’

Mr. Hira sighed a bit and stood up straight again allowing me to stand up myself. “Have you discovered any other abilities?”

“The scent ability. I’ve also used the teleportation ability, but I’ve only been able to use it once.” I answered.

“I think that’s it.”

‘Other than the healing ability I think you hit the nail on the head there.’

“What other breaks do you have?” Mr. Hira questioned. I think I know what he wants to do. He wants me to work on the abilities I have already.

“I have a midterm break and a thanksgiving break. But my twin sister has a gymnastics’ competition that I promised her I would go and for the thanksgiving break, I was planning on going with Eevie to her grandmother’s. If she still wants me to go with her and all.

“You have a twin sister?” Mr. Hira blinked surprised.

I nodded, “I have three sisters actually. An older sister and then two younger sisters. Kara is my older sister, then Natalee is my twin, and Serenity is the youngest.” I explained happily. “I was in gymnastics’ with Natalee till I broke my ankles. I finished rehab at the end of my senior year of high school.” I figured now would be the best time to tell him about my ankles.

He seemed to be deep in thought and when I went to go and continue with what I was saying my phone started buzzing in my pocket. “What is that sound?” Mr. Hira asked.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. “I get reception here?”

‘Apparently so?’ Nori stated as I noticed that it was Austin calling me.

“Um…It’s my phone…I didn’t think that I would get reception here.” I muttered and answered the call. “Hey, Austin what’s up?” I asked.

“WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?” Quickly pulling my phone away from my ear because he’s screaming.

“I went for a walk.” I lie as I keep a very straight face in front of Mr. Hira.

“Where did you go for a walk and is Elena with you?” He questioned and I could hear Alexa in the background.

“Yeah, Elena’s with me. We’re actually up in the meadow. It’s at the top of the hill when you venture into the woods. It’s really pretty when the sunsets.” I responded smiling a bit. It was really beautiful up in the meadow when the sunsets.

“Aaaaahhhh, are you gonna make out with her~ Did you get her roses~ I want details man.” His panic in his voice was instantly gone and my face was instantly read.

“W-why, d-d-do we have to talk about this now???” I started to stutter.

Austin started laughing. “I’m sorry man. Alexa and I will just come up and meet you two at the meadow. You said it’s at the top of the hill right?” I feel like all the color drained out of my face.

“W-where are you now?” I asked trying to keep calm but I can feel my palms getting sweaty.

“We’re just outside the library. If we get lost getting up to the meadow I’ll shoot you a text or give you a call.” He stated.

“O-Oh okay,” I answered feeling my heart sink down to my stomach.

“I’ll let you two love birds be for now.” I could hear the snicker in his voice and then he hung up.

“Austin?” Mr. Hira was very respectful and waited till I was done talking to speak up.

“He’s my roommate, I’m really sorry but um….c-can we go back before dinner?” I questioned really hoping that he wouldn’t object.

Sighing he looked down at me and waved his hand. “Get going. This is your one and only time I’m allowing this. For both of you.”

“Thank you.” I bowed and then quickly ran to the door. As I was opening the door Nori and I switched places. He knew the manor like the back of his hand.



“Elena, Yun,” I yelled as I ran around the manor looking for them. With my luck Aiko and mom were taking Elena around the manor and asking a bunch of questions and oh god I don’t know what those two will do with her. I looked in my room, Aiko’s, the garden, it wasn’t till I made it to the dojo that I found them. “There you are,” I said sighing in relief. Sure enough Yun, Elena, Aiko, and mom were together.

“What’s up?” Elena asked turning around to look at me.

“Mom, did you move mine and Elena’s bags from where I left them?” I questioned in a hurry.

“No, they are still in the hall where you came in, what’s wrong?” She tipped her head a bit confused.

“We need to go. Noel already okayed it with dad. We need to get to the meadow before Alexa do.” I explained.

“Wait, I’m confused what’s going on?” Elena said pulling my attention to her.

“Apparently your guys cell phones get reception here and Austin called and asked where you and Noel were and he told him that you were both up at the meadow. Then Austin told us that he and Alexa were going to come and meet you two up there and that they were just outside the library when he called.” I explained quickly leaving out the fact that Austin teased Noel. Figured that wasn’t all that important at the moment and we really didn’t have time for an in-depth explanation.

“Why did he tell them that we went to the store or something?!” Panic in Elena’s voice was at its peak.

“Because I didn’t think of it and I’m sure that Austin would have probably gone to go find my car just to make sure I wasn’t lying.” Noel pointed out to me.

“Come on then.” She grabbed my wrist before I could say anything and pulled me towards the exit of the dojo. “You two realize how close we’re going to be cutting this correct?” Elena and Eevie must have done a mental switch on us.

“We know, but it was the best thing Noel could come up with on the spot. At least, they weren’t in the woods when he called.” I mentioned. The library was a bit further from the woods then the dorms so we had a little bit more time.

“Wait up you two.” Yun’s higher pitched voice called out to us. He must have switched to his cotton form.

We made it back to our bags. I threw Noel’s over one of my shoulders and Elena or Eevie whoever was in control of said body. Once Yun made it to me I teleported us outside the manor and to the portal that would take us to the council. Then I had to make a big jump to get us to the meadows. Thankfully I was able to do it but I feel a little light headed. If it was by myself and Yun in his little form or in his weapon form it wouldn’t have been no problem but teleporting another person along with us it took a lot more out of me then I thought, it would.

“You okay?” Elena questioned as I set Noel’s bag down and nodded.

“I’m good.” I smiled not wanting her to worry and Noel and I switched places as fast as we could. Yun ducked into Noel’s backpack and then Elena and Noel sat down on the ground next to each other.

Not too soon after. Maybe like a minute or two later Austin and Alexa came out of the woods and into the meadow. ‘That was way too close for comfort.’ I mentioned sighing a bit. Though I have a feeling this won’t be the first of many close calls with them.

Alexa and Austin watched the sunset with Noel and Elena, then the four of them walked down to the dorms. It was a little strange because the two of them didn’t go to the library like they usually do. It almost kinda felt like we were being watched.

“Hey Austin, do you like Alexa?” Noel asked. It felt like he was trying to ease the tension that was floating around in the room. Yun was hiding somewhere on the bed as Noel was laying down on his stomach doing homework.

“Yeah, why?” Austin replied a bit confused.

“I mean as in like like. Do you have a crush on her?” Noel explained and we couldn’t get a good look at Austin’s face.

“I don’t know really. She’s really sweet I just don’t know yet I guess.” Was his response.

“I’m sure that you’ll figure it out.” Noel smiled and sat up. “I’m going to go take a shower.” Noel got his stuff together and Yun nuzzled himself in Noel’s towel when he threw it on his bed to get his shorts.

“Alright,” Austin muttered as he was really concentrating on whatever was on his laptop.

When Noel got to the bathroom it was empty so he took the left shower that was against the wall. “I don’t like having to be so quiet,” Yun whined as he poofed into his human form and leaned against the wall.

“I’m really sorry. Hopefully, this won’t be a normal thing with him and you can go back to being able to talk. Mr. Hira said that you shouldn’t leave our side just to be safe.” Noel said getting undressed. I’m glad that it doesn’t seem to phase him anymore getting undressed in front of Yun.

“You know what you should strip in front of Elena one of these times. That would be enjoyable to see her reaction to it.” Yun instantly changed the subject and I can tell that it threw Noel off guard because he stumbled and had to catch himself on the wall considering he was in the middle of pulling off his boxers.

“Y-you have to say that while I’m getting undressed?” Noel questioned.

“Of course, I do. It’s only natural, I like seeing you blush. I can’t get Nori to blush, but it’s so easy to get you to turn red it’s enjoyable.” Yun snickered but stopped short when he heard something and he poofed into his cotton form and flew into the shower. Noel went into the shower himself and closed the curtain as the door to the bathroom opened.

This was going to be a hell of a time. I really hope that things will settle down a bit, but to be honest, I don’t think they really will. It kind of feels like there’s an invisible noose around our necks and if we fuck up how are we going to get out of it? At least, Noel’s Midterm break is coming up soon so they can get away even if it’s just for a long weekend.
