ugh. today is sucking...

Second period was the worst for me. I have a project to start on with my Third Period (which is the one I'm currently typing this very post), and basically it's where I have to construct a powerpoint presentation about my life. And to do that, I would likely need to know my own personality, which I'm too ashamed to admit that even I don't know that. I've asked a few of my aquaintances of that subject and that only lead to confusion as many people gave me different anwsers such as: Cold, Sweet, Serious, Quiet, Shy, Outgoing, etc.

So I guess I'm just going to lable my personality as "Serene" as not many people know my personality as much as I'd liked.

But the worst part was this kid in my second period was talking about Micheal Jackson. I told him that just because Micheal Jackson sees some random kid on the street does NOT mean that he has a sudden urge to rape him. And this Ass hole took it into commension that I am a fan of Micheal Jackson. I don't even know who the hell this person is. So now I have this really annyoing kid claim that I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about and that I'm a retard, when we both know that my average is 20 points higher than his is. How cute.

Can't wait till Saturday!
