Freakin Ishida

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Orange
Height: 5'9
Favorite Color: Orange
Screen Name: Deaths Strawberry
Favorite Show: I forgot the name...dammit
Your Car: I don't have one.
Your Hometown: Karakura Town
Your Present Town: Karakura Town
Your First Crush's Name: HA!
Your Grade: High-school Freshman


Sat on your rooftop? Yes.
Kissed someone in the rain? No.
Danced in a public place? No.
Smiled for no reason? No.
Laughed so hard you cried? No.
Peed your pants after age 8? No.
Written a song? No.
Sang to someone for no reason? No.
Performed on a stage? No.
Talked to someone you don't know? Yes.
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? Yes, if ghosts count. I tried to help them be at peace.
Made out in a theater? No.
Been in love? No.


Say HI to you? Kita
Tell you, I love you? I don't know, Yuzu maybe.
Kiss you? >//>
Hug you? Kita.
Tell you BYE? Ichimaru was it?
Write you a note? Rukia probably.
Take your photo? Kira... =_=
Buy you something? I don't know
Write a poem about you? No telling. Lots of fangirls out there writing who knows WHAT about me...
Touch you? Karmira? Or Kita?


Time you cried? Pfft.
Time you laughed? Probably last night.
Song you've sang? My Blade as my Pride
Time you've looked at the clock? *shrugs* now I guess..
Drink you've had? Coffee *grins*
Book you've read? Shonen Jump count?
Food you've eaten? ....I need to eat...
Shoes you've worn? Huh? My tennis shoes I guess...
Store you've been in? Mini Mart
Thing you've said? "Pfft don't tell me that!"'s what I just said...


Write with both hands? No.
Whistle? Yes.
Roll your tongue in a circle? Uh. I guess?
Cross your eyes? Yeah.
Touch your tongue to your nose? Pfft! Who does that? Circus freaks like Nnoitra?!
Dance? Yeah.
Stay up a whole night without sleep? I try not to, but yeah.
Speak a different language? Yeah.
Impersonate someone? Sure. My impression of Aizen. "*amused smile*" See, simple.
Make a card pyramid? Boring!
Cook anything? Onigiri


If I were a ... stronger person, I could protect everyone around me.
I wish ... I could defeat Aizen without losing those I care about.
So many people don't know that ... I'm afraid I won't be strong enough...
I am ... my own person.
My heart is ... right where it needs to be.

I tag Luna, Toshiro, STARK, Urahara, and KITA! HA
