Hi my name is Cody

I like anime and pocky and well My friend Blood Moon Wolf also My girlfriend told me about this site so Thank her and yes we did break up ounce but got back together ubber awesome she will also be posting on here more then me cuz' I don't really have internet so she will post here for me be nice and comment please!!


Also Bleach is Ubber Awesome!!!!!!

hey hey

hey hey hey hey heyhey hey hey hey hey hey heyh ehy hey hey hey hey hey hey heyh yehy h


Oh god I'm sooo sorry Cody and everyone who reads this I'm Soooo sorry I know I've acted like a bitch to Cody mostly but thats cuz' well I really was going through a bump in my life and well I feel so bad about hurting Cody like that I mean everyone only likes me cuz' My chest and I was very very mad that maybe Cody just liked me cause of that and I have felt soooooooooo bad about that and I thought about suicide then and well I need Cody back if he'll take me back that is......GAHHHHHH!!! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry




The Bitch who dumped Cody GAHHHHHH

Ps Cody I hope we can be together again like Jasper and Alice here

Dear Cody,

Dear Cody,

I write on here to tell you this is how I feel Please just forgive me.
I write and Write but never give to you this I had your heart in my hands.
I didn't mean to make you mad and screw up your life Oh Yeah Neji Means Screw!XD Lol I find that funny but not to make your life a living hell.
well you and I couldn't be happy I know this because I was never happy in the first place with or without you and Issac Issac I was not happy with either as I am now You know your other Gf is making your life Hell.
she is using you just because you seem easy to fool you dumbo You know that you are not having luck at all?
Are you over me yet?
Are you mad at Me?
And What the Heck happened to me getting a L Magnet?!


im veary sad

my girlfriend broke up wit me her name is bloodmoonwolf


this is the wallpaper for this world I put up the wallpaper

its hollow ichigo
*hugs hollow Ichigo*