yeah, I cut down my posting...I think I was posting WAY too much. LMAO This dude is in the Host Club. I still thought it was freakin hilarious. Byakuya...ha...
Late that night after everyone either left Las Noches or fell asleep, Kita snuck out headed to Ichigo’s.
Once she arrived at his home she stood on the street looking up at his room were the light was already out for the night. She went to turn to return to Las Noches, but the urge to apologize was too strong. She knew what she did was wrong and it got a good friend of his hurt because of her stupid pent up anger.
Quickly she leapt to the outside window ceil and tapped lightly at his window.
Shooting up straight, Ichigo looked at the time, it was late. "What the heck...who is it now?" He yawned and approached the window. Opening the curtain, he saw it was Kita. Wide-eyed he quickly he opened the window and let her inside. "Kita! You escaped from Las Noches?!" He exclaimed as quietly as he could.
Lowering her head in shame as he looked her she replied, “I’m sorry, Ichigo. I did not mean for Chad to get hurt.” She turned quickly to leave.
....Ichigo was speechless. He grabbed her arm. "What did you say?" He stated flatly, a fierce look in his eyes.
Without looking back at him she said, “I’m sorry. All this was my fault.”
Sighing Ichigo tightened his grip more than he intended. "What the hell happened Kita? Why are you acting like this...and what do you mean Chad got hurt?"
Kita cringed slightly to his hold as she replied, “I instigated a fight last night between Grimmjow, Chad and Momo. Both were hurt in the fight.”
Ichigo was stunned completely as he released her arm. "..." He attempted to start many questions, but didn't know which to ask. "How bad is Chad hurt? Where is he? What the hell were you thinking?!"
“I don’t know.” Kita said. “I really don’t know. The only thing running though my mind was the fact how the all hate the choice I made in staying at La Noches.” She turned looking at the angered soul reaper, remorse shown in her eyes.
"'They'....? Who do you mean Kita? Because if you're saying what I think...then even I would be included in that 'they'. After all, it was ME who tried to FORCE you to stay here...is that how it is?!" Ichigo said, clenching his fist...his balled up rage starting to get out. "And if that's the case, then it's ME you should be taking out your aggression on. Not my friends!"
Kita’s thought for a second as she glared at Ichigo. Slowly she stepped down into his room from the window ceil causing Ichigo to take a step back. “Yes you! You are no better then Toushiro or any if the others that have been trying to talk me into leaving.”
"We talk you into leaving because it's what the right thing to do is! You don't belong there Ki-..." Ichigo paused...now that he could see her a little better, he noticed her attire...more importantly...the mask on her face. "...Kita." His heart sunk. He didn't want to ask her the question poised on the tip of his tongue. He didn't want to hear it...he didn’t' want it to be real...
“Now you see. You see me for what I am. I do not belong here. I never will…” Kita paused turning away from him. “Not any more, Ichigo.” She quickly went to step up on the window ceil.
"Don't go..." Ichigo managed, he didn't mean to say it...it just slipped. "It's not over yet...it's not true..." He rejected. "I..." He couldn't say anything else...he was having trouble breathing...
Kita turned slightly looking back at him. “You what? You don’t want to believe it? Look at me.” Ichigo refused to look at her as she requested, he slowly turned his head. “Look at me, Ichigo!” Kita’s tone more forceful as she turned fully presenting herself to him. “I am an Arrancar now. What is there not to believe?”
Ichigo closed his eyes. "I'll kill them...for doing this to you..." He muttered, more to himself. "You should go. You SNUCK out right...you didn't escape..." He paused and turned for his door. "I have to go see Chad...thank you for telling me about him Kita." He opened the door...but stopped. "I haven't given up...you shouldn't either." Closing the door, he quickly made his way downstairs.
Kita sighed as she turned back to the window. “Just give up, Ichigo you’re not going to win this fight…” She climbed up on the window ceil, closing the window. “I’m sorry, Ichigo.”
Kita then vanished into the night back to Las Noches.
So--in Skype we've been playing a game I had never tried before. Truth and Dare. Really interesting stuff this is. I'm no wuss, so I don't like to pick truth--unless I know the person asking has it in for me. But even then, I usually only pick truth to piss them off. *grins* Do any of you have any hints for me to get someone even with the truth option?
Well--today was better than ever. Grimmjow was in there--and I got him to chase his tail for five consecutive minutes!! LMAO If only I had taped that.
Ok--bored now. So here's a picture: