Other Secret Santa Events
Fanart Secret Santa hosted by Kaerlyn and toyotami kun
- Created By Soulanime14
Icon Secret Santa Sign Ups
Christmas time is coming so to keep the Secret Santa tradition alive here is the icon event! You have until December 8th to sign up and post a wishlist for the event. Just comment on this post if you would like to join.
1. Soulanime14
2. KyraChan (Santa: Judai Winchester)-> Icons
3. Judai Winchester(Santa: xxArrancarfanxX)-> Icons
4. XxArrancarFanxX (Snata: Soulanime14)-> Icons
Icon Secret Santa Important Dates
Important Dates!
Sign Ups: Novemeber 24th- December 8th
Wishlists: November 24th- December 8th
Secret Santa assignments: December 9th/10th
Submitting Gifts: December 24th- December 31st
Welcome to this years Icon Secret Santa event!
Here are the rules for this year's event
1. Must submit your work December 24th- 31st in a public World. If you won't be able to submit the work on time just let me know ahead of time (at least a few days) and the dates can be extended.
2. Wishlists would be great to help your Secret Santa make a gift you'll love (wishlists will be posted next to the person's name on the sign up list)
3. Make sure to give the person a link to get to the icons so they don't miss them. Preferably give a link in their guest book so I can make sure that all gifts have been given.
4. Must make minimum of 15 icons. Also the icons must be good quality and made with care. Don't give something that you wouldn't want to receive!
5. Try your best to follow the deadlines, and if life happens to get in the way just message me so I can arrange the event accordingly.
6. Have fun guys and thank you all for signing up!