Welcome to the world for the Ikari Warriors club podcast world!

This is Fighter xaos and Fighter 16 Bit Jeff telling you about the Ikaricast

We talk gaming, tech, comics, and anime. But mostly gaming.

Instructions to listen to the podcast. When every episode comes out we shall give a direct link to download the episode, or you can just go to xaoshows.blip.tv and (subscribe via RSS or iTunes) listen as soon as they come out. You can also go to reviewtopia.net on Tuesdays. Also like our facebook fan page and get extras! Ikaricast Fan Page

Fight On Soldiers!

Clark Steel

External Image

Episode 4 What's On The Horizon

So in this episode Ralf Jones makes his triumphant return! In this episode I speak with some fellow gamers on what games they are looking forward to and thoughts on the new Fallout game announced Fallout New Vegas.

On this episode... My Father! TheIncredibleJeff joins again and lastly Ralf Jones makes his comeback all discussing what games they're looking forward to. Also in news I've seen the new FF13 Vs Trailer and a bit of late news in what may be a Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 re-release teaser in tu4ar.com

Oh, and of course be sure to leave an e-mail at TrueIkariWarriors@gmail.com and tell us what you think!

Stream it here Or Download it here

Be sure to subscribe via RSS or iTunes from the introduction to this world!

Also want to add... I can't believe I forgot the theme song! Then again... it was 4/20 XD

Episode 3 Updates and Movies

First off sincere apologies for being late with this episode but we do make up for it. This episode is a bit of a doozy at an hour long. Ralf Jones is missing in action again but there are two guests who fill in. One being theincrediblejeff and the other being Angel Cruz aka Terry Bogard. Also this podcast has an explicit tag for a reason... you have been warned!

This episode we discuss what games we'd like to see updated and the two guests give a short list on their favorite games. We'd also discuss what we'd like to see from Nintendo at E3 since out of the three Nintendo's moves are what's been troubling us the most. (Don't let out comments fool you though we do love Nintendo still)

We also get on a bit of tangent with movies with comic books and comic book movies. :D I did say this is a fandom podcast not just video games.

As always be sure to e-mail us and give us your thoughts at

Now for sites
Our main site is:
as well as our site where we put details on the episodes is:

Theincrediblejeff's screwattack:
His podcast the g1 avengers:
also his email:

Angel Cruz' email:

and finally my screwattack:

Download the episode here Or stream it here

Be sure to subscribe via RSS or iTunes from the description in the world's intro and you will receive episodes automatically.

Episode 2

So this week's episode Clark Steel is recording alone. Is this a bad sign? The co-host is already leaving his partner to record alone? I wouldn't take it as that but I tell you I hate recording alone. I try my best though. In this episode I give out a bit of news and discuss my top ten games of all time. The top three in the top ten list have themes before I announce them.

As for the bit of news

Hideo Kojima's keynote speech video (which I highly recommend watching when you have the time)
OnLive's challenges:
These are the challenges g4 said:1) Internet Service Providers (ISPs): This is the biggest issue I see with OnLive. A few North American ISPs are already using bandwidth caps, bandwidth throttling, and bandwidth shaping. Several others are experimenting with these "features", with plans to roll out limits in the near future. I don't care how revolutionary OnLive's compression scheme is -- delivering 720p graphics requires a lot of bandwidth. For many customers, this would either limit their OnLive play time or make it very expensive.
2) 2) It's Easier to Sell a Box Than a Service: Yes, I know OnLive has a cute little microconsole. That's just one delivery mechanism and not really what OnLive is about. It's a service. It's more difficult to market and sell a service than a physical box. While I'm sure gamers that are interested will do the proper research, I doubt general consumers will. Casual gamers can see that Nintendo's Wii is different and easy to use. They can see that Sony's PlayStation 3 offers high-quality gaming and Blu-ray movies. They can see that Microsoft's Xbox 360 offers better graphics than Wii and a lower price than PlayStation 3. Explaining what OnLive is, what it offers, and why it's worth paying a monthly fee for will require a ton of work. Furthermore, the company is establishing a new brand that doesn't have the benefit of playing off of a household name like Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft.
3) There Are No Exclusives (Yet): It's going to be hard for OnLive to differentiate itself without any exclusives. I don't care what David Reeves says -- exclusives are still an important way for consoles to differentiate themselves. While OnLive is a service, it will compete with PlayStation 3, Wii, and Xbox 360. Those platforms have established franchises that can only be found on their systems. Why should a gamer go with OnLive when it can play all of the same games on a traditional machine, as well exclusives?
4) Competing In the PC Market: As for the PC market...that's a different battle. PC gamers are a dedicated group that spend a lot of money on their rigs to play the latest and greatest games. I don't see many enthusiast PC gamers abandoning their upgrade cycles and taking a risk on an unproven service like OnLive. As for the millions of PC owners that are casually interested in games, will the titles that OnLive will offer appeal to them? Or are they content with something like Diner Dash 2? If they fall into the former category then is OnLive really worth it? The monthly fees will likely add up to the cost of an annual graphics card upgrade and a few games. Unless they're totally taking advantage of the variety OnLive will purportedly offer, I don't see the value.

What is OnLive?
Fantastic Four Issue 565 preview:
Download the episode here: Episode 2
Stream it here

Episode 1

Ok here's our first episode!

Episode Details:

Nothing fascinating here just us getting used to recording. So we're just trying to make ourselves familiar and make ourselves seem friendly to the audience. This episode is more like episode 0 our next one can be considered our true first episode. The theme song used here is The Ikari Warriors video game theme rock cover by the Minibosses. That will be our theme for the podcast. Hope you guys will decided to stick with us.

Direct download here if you wish. Episode 1