Welcome to the world for the Ikari Warriors club podcast world!

This is Fighter xaos and Fighter 16 Bit Jeff telling you about the Ikaricast

We talk gaming, tech, comics, and anime. But mostly gaming.

Instructions to listen to the podcast. When every episode comes out we shall give a direct link to download the episode, or you can just go to xaoshows.blip.tv and (subscribe via RSS or iTunes) listen as soon as they come out. You can also go to reviewtopia.net on Tuesdays. Also like our facebook fan page and get extras! Ikaricast Fan Page

Fight On Soldiers!

Clark Steel

External Image

Ikaricast 39

This episode of Ikaricast features the crew of the AngelTech Awesomecast as guests as we talk about everything geek, pretty much literally. We had tons of fun recording this episode we hope you have fun listening. E-mail us at [email protected]

Like our facebook fanpage https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ikaricast-Fan-Page/101323973280441?ref=ts

News links:






Stream here

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Ikaricast 38

xaos and 16 Bit Jeff give another week of talking about everything geek in this week's ikaricast. E-mail us at [email protected] and also don't forget to like our facebook fan page


News Links:








Stream here
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Ikaricast 37

In this week's episode xaos goes solo and discusses different things, one of those things being his thoughts on the premiere of Power Rangers Samurai. E-mail us at [email protected]
Oh, and to find the questions I was rambling about on mecha kits a little less confusing go here https://www.facebook.com/notes/jeremias-de-leon/question-from-ikaricast-episode-37-for-the-week-of-february-14/199101593434864 and you can either leave your answer as a comment or send it in an e-mail. That's right! We have a facebook fan page now, so you can go here or through that first link and like us.

News links: http://www.joystiq.com/2011/02/12/yoshida-ngp-and-psp-will-co-exist/



Youtube shout out for Crimson Kenny, they take requests for video game music videos

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Ikaricast 35

In this episode of the Ikaricast xaos and 16 Bit Jeff talk about the Nintendo 3DS. Don't forget to e-mail questions, comments to [email protected]

We're looking for musicians! If you think you can compose a theme for the Ikaricast, send us an e-mail. We're also not averse to spreading your name out there either, if you want us to play a tune of yours or a sample of a tune, e-mail us.

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News links: http://www.joystiq.com/2011/01/23/report-psp2-features-oled-screen-will-offer-3g-data/




Ikaricast 33

xaos and 16 Bit Jeff discuss in no particular order there top 30 characters of the decade.</p>

News Links: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703667904576072110862862244.html


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