Episode 9

Hey, this is our 9th episode guys! Well, 12th really. But those specials don't count as numbered episodes so yeah. Hmm, maybe we'll do something special for the 10th episode.

*ahem* Anyway today's episode we discussed some of the news of not only video games but of fandom and then we really just freeformed this episode as I couldn't really think of a topic and it turned into a discussion about retro games. How appropriate as returning unofficial co-host theincrediblejeff is starting a new podcast all about retro games soon. We here at the Ikari Warriors wish the best of luck to him.

We also hope Ralf Jones makes it for our 10th episode.

Oh, and please leave comments or send an e-mail your thoughts on the episodes are important to us.

Jeff's screwattack: http://www.screwattack.com/blog/29917
his email: jeff.williams088@gmail.com
his podcast's email (yep he already set it up he just hasn't recorded at the time of this going up yet): retroactive88@gmail.com

e-mail the show at: TrueIkariWarriors@gmail.com
My main blog: http://www.myotaku.com/users/xaos

Download the episode here
