First off sincere apologies for being late with this episode but we do make up for it. This episode is a bit of a doozy at an hour long. Ralf Jones is missing in action again but there are two guests who fill in. One being theincrediblejeff and the other being Angel Cruz aka Terry Bogard. Also this podcast has an explicit tag for a reason... you have been warned!
This episode we discuss what games we'd like to see updated and the two guests give a short list on their favorite games. We'd also discuss what we'd like to see from Nintendo at E3 since out of the three Nintendo's moves are what's been troubling us the most. (Don't let out comments fool you though we do love Nintendo still)
We also get on a bit of tangent with movies with comic books and comic book movies. :D I did say this is a fandom podcast not just video games.
As always be sure to e-mail us and give us your thoughts at
[email protected]
Now for sites
Our main site is:
as well as our site where we put details on the episodes is:
Theincrediblejeff's screwattack:
His podcast the g1 avengers:
also his email:
[email protected]
Angel Cruz' email:
[email protected]
and finally my screwattack:
Download the episode here Or stream it here
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