written by xaos
There's some pretty big changes happening over here at the Ikari Warriors. First with us becoming the flagship podcast over at http://www.thegeekfighters.com and then with a certain member being kicked out due to personal reasons, and now recently with the new episode coming out, two more things happened. Number one the official name of the podcast will be called Ikaricast and number 2 this will be treated as a new start, the episode that will come out on Monday will be considered episode 1. It will still be the same people (minus one, we're looking for a permanent replacement for Ralf Jones aka KDigg) and the same format.
As for this club, well, it'll still be a place for KOF fans to come together on theO but I just want to remind you this is only a small part of it, thegeekfighters is where everything happens now.
I have to admit though, never would I have thought that this podcast would lead to us making an anime only podcast called the Rising Sun which would lead to us focusing more here again, which leads to the creation of a brand new site with a bunch of talented people. Those of you that have followed us all this time, thank you for your support and God bless.
Due to personal reasons Ralf Jones is no longer a member of the Ikari Warriors fan club and the GeekFighters. Ralf Jones aka KDigg, will as of right now not be associated with the podcast or the site. It's kinda hard to write this but when he's ready to come back we won't mind accepting him again.
originally posted by Yuzna
As most of you know on theo (and that would be only 5 people), I created a Podcast along with the Members of The Anime Mavericks (including myself, John, his wife Shauna, My best pal Jerry & HybridRain).
Since last November till now, Feb. 24th, The home site for the anime mavericks (animemavericks.co.cc) was "Under Construction". The Main reason was John (AKA "TheShades"), HAD a web designer. But, his plate was full. So, as of yesterday, the 23rd, The Anime Mavericks are NO MORE!
That doesn't mean The Mavericks have Disassembled! (No relation towards Brian Micheal Bendis MARVEL U Event "Avengers: Disassembled")
Both Me and Jerry, are starting a Brand New Site, with our Friend Kyle....
And This Site's Name is.....
When The Site's up, TheGeekFighters.com is gonna be the new home for The Anime Mavericks...
STAY TUNED, because in the Coming Weeks, more info will be revealed Regarding This Brand New Day....
- Xaos (Main Guy)
- 16-bit Jeff (Co-Founder/Co-Creator/Super Mod. of The Geek Fighters)
- KDigg (look at jeff's Statues)
EDIT (03/02/2010):
Also, Retroware Will still be a fanpage for my podcast, Under Development... It will also be a Page for News/Announcements, regarding TheGeekFighters!
Again, I will reveal more info SOON! including.....
- The Site's logo (again, Nick from: xtremenetworkonline.com)
- The Brand New logo for the Relaunch of Under Development (Thanks to Nick from Xtreme Network Online at: xtremenetworkonline.com)
- Reviews (PC, PS3, XBOX 360, Wii, DS and iPhone/ipod Touch)
- Shows (done my myself, Xaos & KDigg. as well posting other shows, by other geek fighter Contributers)
Again, This Info Will be revealed, but, near the Site's launch.
I Will do another Update Regarding, The Site's ACTUAL Launch.
Until Then, TheGeekFighters Have a Twitter Account....
A Facebook fanpage will be up, but near the site's launch...
- 16-bit Jeff (Co-Founder/Co-Creator/Super Mod. of The Geek Fighters)
Actually due to some difficulties with all this editing (and because I'm watching wrestling) the podcast ought to be up tomorrow. Thanks for your patience guys.
Even though neither Clark Steel or Ralf Jones mentioned this, those who follow the podcast will know that the podcast goes up every Monday (used to be every Friday but changed to Monday as that fit all those involved schedules much better). Why am I mentioning this? Well, one, for those who decided to start listening and two, because the episode that's coming out today will STILL come out today however much later than normal. we're recording TODAY and around the evening so the episode ought to be up late at night.
This episode is going to be about THE tech trade show CES, or the Consumer Electronics Show. That means that the focus of this episode isn't so much gaming as just technology, you know cool gadgets and all that. However there was some gaming stuff covered so don't worry.