My old introduction was shit, so here's a temporary one while I think of something nice to say. And also filler picture:

Spreading Art

This originally started on Deviant Art but I thought, why not do it on theO? Here are the rules: 1) For each of the 10 first people answering this journal I will put his/her avatar and the three pics I like most from his/her portfolio on th...

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Trick or Treat? So hard to decide...

Now, some of you might be thinking, "Gee, aren't you a little old to be Trick-or-Treating?" Well, to that I say, NO! And shut up. You're never too old for a holiday with free candy. :D Anyway, so me, Dixie, and some other people got together and w...

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Hot sauce?

I don't know why, but I'm CRAVING hot sauce! I've been eating spicy food for like 3 weeks straight! I even took hot sauce to school and put it on my hotdog! Seriously, is that normal? *tummy grumbles* HOOOOOOOOT SAUCE...... O_o Anyway, wh...

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Awesome AMV's

This is an archive of awesome AMV's that I've found throughout my years of searching YouTube. One of them is already up there in the intro. So here are the rest! ...

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Hatsune Miku LIVE!

I was browsing through YouTube and happened to find some videos of Hatsune Miku's latest concert. Enjoy!