Whoever said golf was safe is DEAD WRONG. Golf balls can KILL YOU!!! Ok, maybe not kill you... but they hurt alot. Actually, if you hit it hard enough the force could be enough to... GAH! I'm rambling again. Anyway, it was just another ordinary day. Sun shining, birds chirping, corn-- screw it let's cut to the chase. We were playing golf in my backyard. I was standing in front of my dad just when he was about to hit the ball. Afraid of being hit, I tried to run behind my dad before he hit the ball. But, since things never really work out the way they should for me, my dad hit the ball wrong and it flew to the side hitting me in the eye, which made my glasses fly off causing me to stumble and fall. Meanwhile, my mom was standing there yelling "What're you doing?! You almost got hit!!!" And I'm just lying in the grass shouting "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ALMOST?!"
The moral of the story: Running away can only cause more trouble.