Yeah, it's my birthday today (although theO tells you that anyway). Twas an interesting day... For starters, I kinda overslept a little. I'm glad I did though, because my dad only had time for one spank (it still hurt though T^T). School wasn't much better. Stupid testing... Although my friend annoyed me more than the testing. She dragged me around the school for 15 minutes looking for Steele (yes, she's still going on about that. It's been months now, GET A LIFE WOMAN!) After hitting her several times with my binder, she finally let go of me. It's a good thing she doesn't know we have the same testing room.
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. The test wasn't that long (fast reader :D) and we mostly did nothing in our classes afterward. Then came gym... It was a free day (thank GAWD!) and we decided to hit each other in the face with balls :D Isn't that great? *sarcasm*
The plus side is, my friends gave me this awesome gift:
(OMG a piece of paper lol)
And now, I shall go buy Pokemon SoulSilver. TO GAMESTOP!