Here is a world to replace my old anymore world, sharing images of all my babies ^-^
I will be sharing the old images that I did have up, a long with some new images, as well.
The background was made by my sister, and here is the link to the wall
Here is a world to replace my old anymore world, sharing images of all my babies ^-^
I will be sharing the old images that I did have up, a long with some new images, as well.
The background was made by my sister, and here is the link to the wall
Here is a very cute picture of Freya on my mom's arms, she is taking her medichine right now ^^
Here is a picture, of my sisters Hamster, Marshmallow. She may not be my pet but I love her just has much as the other animals and am thankful of her. Whenever I was having a hard time, with my own pet and all, she was there for me, though she doesn't know it. Cloud let me play with her a lot and all, I will never forget that.
Here is another picture of Martha for you, this one she is upsidedown like she tends to do
Here is another, but also bad image of Tiggy
Here is a new, but crappy image of my kitties, and a dogs but XD