Here is a world to replace my old anymore world, sharing images of all my babies ^-^
I will be sharing the old images that I did have up, a long with some new images, as well.

The background was made by my sister, and here is the link to the wall

Freya ^^

Here is more pictures of Freya!
I love her so much, though I just feel like I'm doing a bad job at keeping her well, cause she still is somewhat sick. I just want whats best for her..


My first rat, that I had for two weeks. i had to get rid of him, because he hated me, and wanted to eat me XD
I do miss him some
But Im sure hes in a happy home now ^^


And the rat pictures again XD

She is on my shoulder in this one, eating a piece of cereal

For Hula

Here is a picture of my dog, Sammy, for Hulaberry32 since she seems to love this doggy so much ^^

Tiggy again

Here is tigger being held by my mother

he's so fat XD