Here is a world to replace my old anymore world, sharing images of all my babies ^-^
I will be sharing the old images that I did have up, a long with some new images, as well.

The background was made by my sister, and here is the link to the wall


Here is the picture of my cat laying on my arm

aint he sweet?

Humming Brid

And here is again "my" humming bird, not really was he my pet, but close enough, I sure did love the little guy, but we had to move, and now I'll never see him again T.T
I hope you found a safe place to live and get food my cutie!


The famous gold fish on here, Martha


Here is a image of my little girl, kitty. Patches ^-^

I know you've seen it before, but I need to re-post my old ones, before I can get to new ones