Here is a world to replace my old anymore world, sharing images of all my babies ^-^
I will be sharing the old images that I did have up, a long with some new images, as well.
The background was made by my sister, and here is the link to the wall
Here is a world to replace my old anymore world, sharing images of all my babies ^-^
I will be sharing the old images that I did have up, a long with some new images, as well.
The background was made by my sister, and here is the link to the wall
Here is a picture of my guinea pg Jak. I was holding him, while my mother took the picture.
Here is a picture, a ollld picture of Tigger. He's holding me down. This is back in the other house o-O
Frodo, and his messy eating. I know the picture isn't very good, but it's so hard to get a decent one of him.
I really do not share enough pictures of my babies anymore. So here is a picture of Frodo.
Enjoy, he's sleeping cuteness.