Here is a world to replace my old anymore world, sharing images of all my babies ^-^
I will be sharing the old images that I did have up, a long with some new images, as well.

The background was made by my sister, and here is the link to the wall


Here is a new never before seen picture of Freya. You can really see the sickness and tiredness in her face here. This was shortly before she had to go.


Here is another picture of my new baby Frodo~


Here is such a stikin cute picture of my guinea pig Jak~


Here's a good picture of our new comer, Frodo. It took almost a week to find the right name, but that sets with me. We saw him at pets mart, and couldn't help but to get him. My mom talked my dad into it, cause soon will get very lonely for me, so he's to help. Plus having a rat in my life is good for me. Hope you all enjoy watching him as he grows up, he's just a baby right now.

It's a nose

Here is Freya's nose.
She may be gone from here, but I know she is watching over me. Rest well my loved one~