I am really tempted to give you a link.
A link that really shows you what the hell's going on in this stupid mind at the moment.
But I have a feeling I'll make things worse, as usual.
But at least you'd know...
Gahh, fml.
I'm rubbish at making decisions.
i feel rather depressed atm.
but i am laughing it off. xD
Oh good lord.
Lizzie may be a tad hyper.
And we're on my msn.
She's currently talking to one of my ex's.
And it's making me rofl :L
Seriously, it is so funny.
I would post it on here..
It's rather rude :L
Lizzie wants me to, but nahhhh.
I will show people on msn if they wanna see though. xD
We're going to meet up with Simon tomorrow!
But he can't stay out for long, which sucks.
So we may be texting random people asking them to come out for all I know :L
I have to go,
Msn convos are getting rather kinky ;)
Nickiiii :]
so i'm writing to tell everyone how cool you are and i dont have a gun held to my head at this moment. no i really dont..
so we have good times huh. like when we saw boys like girls (: TWICE! ahaha.
you need the loo again.
your are very cool. LIKE A CUCUMBER! and im a tomato. haaa not sure why ;D
OMG WE'RE SEEING ALL TIME LOW IN 41 DAYSSSSSSSS! and in 3 hours it will be 40 days. oh my sweet jaffa cakes :O :D mmmm jaffa cakes. be a dear and go fetch me some jaffa cakes.
so we should start dancing right about now cos slipknot is on tv :)
we're all part of the saaame sick little gaaames.
ahaha love you babes ;)
from cecil.. er i mean lizzie. ;D x
I'm finally getting better.
And now I'm picking up the pieces.
I'm spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together.
'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through,
I got over you.
I feel like putting a tribute to the awesome people at syp on here ^-^
Bobbi ~
Gawd. She was a laugh. xD I also discovered that we have the same opinion on some elements of life xp. I was her slave at the performances ;] And she always made me laugh on a particular dance, cause we have to face each other :L And she had FOUR LINES [I think] SHE'S A STARRRR. I will probably stay in touch with her; whether it's msn, texting, or meeting up with Lizzi and that lot. This girl is epic. xD
Hazel ~
She did the syp last year, but I barely spoke to her, cause my closest mate at syp had a rivalry with her at the time "/. I'm glad we were friends this year though; cause she's amaze. xD I turn her on, but not as much as Bobbi, cause she's a beast. We did the sexy lion dance together in the wings, cause we are cool.
Jack ~
Pah. What can I say about this short taller-than-me person? xD. Hmm. Whenever I need someone to cheer me up, I will definitely know who to turn to, I can assure you of that [thanks for that, btw]. Haha, him & Will together just means a comedy event xp. Haha, this guy's epic really. I feel sorry for him; he's stuck with me & Will ;] Well, not really me, just Will, so it makes it ten times better ;]
Will [or gay Will, whatever you wish to call him] ~
Haha, this guy's amaze. xD He is married to Bobbi. Or maybe he isn't. I can't actually remember; they must've divorced and remarried a million times during the course of the syp. ;] I'll still see him at fados. xD If you need a hug, come to this guy xD. We had to comfort him through the hardships of his relationship with Bobbi. xp
Taylor ~
I didn't really speak to her until dress rehearsals when we were in the same dressing room. She's epicccc. (y) Though I still continue to feel bad that her 13th birthday was ruined.. It'll definitely be one to remember, I suppose "/. We sung to each other in the wings and she was my lover ;] She made me feel bad cause I didn't go to her bday party I was invited to. xDDDD Haha, I love this girl, hopefully we'll stay in touch :S
Alice ~
COME TO HER FOR HOT BOYS! :L Haha, most of our conversations revolved around 'hot boys' xD. And she has no fringe for the performances OHEMGEE ALICE! xD. I will always remember that she bagsied the boy with the green shorts on the beach, I am vair jealoussss ;] Nah, not really, we were just having a laugh xp This girl's epicccc. (yn)
Okay, I cba to write anymore.
But I will say I love Holly, Evie, Josh, Gareth, etc tooooo. I've probs forgotten someone, I always do, sorry for whoever it is.
Everyone's epiccc. (y)
And the afterpartyyy was good ^-^
Nickiii. :]
ease on down, ease on down the road!
Wow. Had the last two performances of SYP today..
It was epic, but sad.
Cause I'm gonna miss everyoneee <3
Next year's SYP got announced;
Sounds amaze, but I dunno if I can do it next year D;
Everyone in our group seems to be doing it next year though.
Gawd it's only been almost an hour since we left syp. [aftershow partyyyy (yn)]
& already I've been in contact with three people that did syp :L
Ah, syp this year was epic.
More epic than last year.
And last year was pretty epic. xD
This girl called Charlotte, who did it last year.
She couldn't do the syp this year, but she could come to the performance tonight ^-^
I havent seen her since last year!
I met up with her once after syp had finished..
But she has changed so much. :L
*Sighs* I'm gonna miss syp. xD
Byeee ;D