The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

My name's Nicki, pleased to meet you. (:
I am an average fifteen year old from lovely England. I don't come on here to draw and do fan art shizzle, I come here to blogblogblog. I go to school, I socialize, I do normal teenager-y things.
I'm a supposed maths genius. It's what I do best. I hope to go to one of the best Universities and study in the most challenging and difficult maths courses in the country. From this, you'd guess I was a pretty boring geek. But I can assure you I am far from it. :3
I have a personality that results in me being permantly 'hyper'. Well, that's what other people call it, it's just normal to me. So when I do go hyper, it's a scary sight for first-time viewers. (:
I make mistakes. So does every single person on this planet. If you've never made a mistake, you haven't lived. 'Never take life seriously, you never get out alive anyway' - that's what I follow. I come across as a really laid back person, but get to know me and I am completely different.
I have done babbling on about myself. Take care reading my blog; a whole five minutes of my life a day is put into it, plzthnxbai.
-- Nicki. <3

When I'm away.
It's hard to make it through.
Coz my head is in the clouds;
And my heart is there for you.
It's never been easy,
But I know this much is true.
And there's nothing I can do..

Seems like everytime you come back home;

It's just to steal my heart and leeeave.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Fuck me life. Plzzz.
There's been a kerfuffle, and I feel like it's my fault.
Involving a few friends and people from the year above. O.o
It's all awkward, and I don't like it. ;_;
I feel like POO.

I'm having my hair chopped tomorrow.
Gonna go for a biiiig change.
I don't know what that change is yet.
But chyeah. [:

I'm off to go and.. errr, revise, I guess. D:
Nickiii. <3

Inside I'm hiding;

Outside I'm too exposed..

Ahaha. I had a science exam today.
It went a lot better than I planned.. But not exactly brilliant. :L
Out of all my subjects; science is the one I struggle with.
So. In theory, things should only get better from here. ;D
.. Well, apart from the other science exam.. >.>
I revised soo much last night. But the final hour of revision really helped.
If it wasn't for that final hour, I wouldn't've been able to answer a lot of the questions, coz there was loads about one section I was unsure of until I revised it. :')

Anywho, we've just broken up for half term.
A week of no school.
I should be happy. But I know it's just gonnaa be full of revision. ;_;

I'm off to go and revise now, and I have FADOs later. Funnnn. It's stopping June 25th.
A bit upsetting in an odd way, but I suppose we could see it coming. :L
I'm hoping to go the adult one instead though, coz that isn't stopping. :)
I can't get into any other dramatic/theatre groups local coz you have to be able to sing. And I can't. ><

Goodbyee. (:

Coz my head is in the clouds;

And my heart is there with you.
It's never been easy, but I know this much is true.
.. And there's nothing I can do. <3

I haven't posted in forever. And I haven't done a DECENT post in even longer.
I have realised no one even reads this, but it's a nice escape from the real world, I guess. :L So I'mma gonna start posting regularly again. Maybe not everyday, but more often than I do.
I could now talk about what has been happening in the past.. forever. But that would take too long. And I am incredibly lazy. It's been a bit of rollercoaster recently; anything to do with family life, love life, school life? Yeah, it's been a bit rocky, with its good moments. :L
My exams started today. I had Philosophy. Considering I didn't revise as much as I should've, I found it rather easy. :L Now I've said that, I bet I get like an F though.. >.> It's the other half to what I did last year. Last year, my target grade was an A*, and I got a B.. Which was a bit disappointing, I guess. ^o) My target grade's dropped to an A this year, which I hope I got. :3
I've got another exam Friday, and then 5 after Half Term. It's science, which for me will be the hardest exam I take. I'm predicted an A*, yet I struggle. It probably doesn't help my school has the worst science department EVER and our teachers can't control a class, let alone teach. But I'mma revise lots this week and hope for the best. :')
I'M GOING TO SLAM DUNK ON SATURDAY. ;D And I just got emailed with the times for each band on each stage. I definitely wanna see Every Avenue, The Audition, We Are The Ocean, Deaf Havana and We Are The Ocean. And maybe go and see Out of Sight, too. Even though I've seen them all before apart from Deaf Havana. ;) I'm going with Lizzie, as long as she can still go.. Her mum's been threatening that she won't be going if she continues with her attitude. :S If she's not allowed to go, I will be gutted, and will give my ticket to someone else I guess. :/
Sorrrry for long post! Though, I don't see why I'm apologising, I know nobody reads this. :3 If you are, how's life for you guys?

Nickiii. <3

Coz I don't know, who I am,

When you're; running circles in my head.

Omg, why did I take ICT?
WHY? WHY?!?!
I am incredibly bored.
And I need to finish this stupid unit.
Fml. :D

I'm surprised this isn't blocked here. ;)
Woo I have a double of this.

Yes I am incredibly bored. <3


Uncle John, you're amazing. (:
I have so many memories of you.
Whether they were happy, silly or just simply hilarious.

I can't believe you're being taken away from us.
You've been fighting your battle for years and years and years.
You are so strong, we're all very proud. :)

My most distant memory of you..
Was when you were in your wheelchair.
You didn't care though; you just smiled your head off.
That's the first and last memory I have of you actually able to move.
Then you got worse, and were confined to your bed.
And you've stayed there ever since, basically. :/
I always used to come and visit you, and talk about my school week.
I loved coming to see you. :D

Now you've gotten a lot worse.
We don't know how long you've got left.
The most horrible part?
I'm not even allowed to see you, I can't say goodbye. :/
You've lost your memory, you can't remember anyone.
Not even Aunty Grace. :(

People keep asking if I'm okay.
I keep having these really quiet moments where I just wanna sit and cry. "/
I thought I was having a stupid typical Nicki moment.
One of my moodswings, that I absolutely hate.
But I've realised the real reason why.
It's cause I keep having flashbacks of you.
I'm gonna miss you so much.
But I'm gonna think of it like this:
You are such a fighter, but now you won't have to suffer anymore. :)

So I'm gonna make sure, as long as you have, we make it happy for you.
Uncle John, I love you. :)