The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

My name's Nicki, pleased to meet you. (:
I am an average fifteen year old from lovely England. I don't come on here to draw and do fan art shizzle, I come here to blogblogblog. I go to school, I socialize, I do normal teenager-y things.
I'm a supposed maths genius. It's what I do best. I hope to go to one of the best Universities and study in the most challenging and difficult maths courses in the country. From this, you'd guess I was a pretty boring geek. But I can assure you I am far from it. :3
I have a personality that results in me being permantly 'hyper'. Well, that's what other people call it, it's just normal to me. So when I do go hyper, it's a scary sight for first-time viewers. (:
I make mistakes. So does every single person on this planet. If you've never made a mistake, you haven't lived. 'Never take life seriously, you never get out alive anyway' - that's what I follow. I come across as a really laid back person, but get to know me and I am completely different.
I have done babbling on about myself. Take care reading my blog; a whole five minutes of my life a day is put into it, plzthnxbai.
-- Nicki. <3

When I'm away.
It's hard to make it through.
Coz my head is in the clouds;
And my heart is there for you.
It's never been easy,
But I know this much is true.
And there's nothing I can do..

~ Have You Ever?

Been robbed

Been skinny dipping

Been arrested

Been in an airplane

Been out of the country

Had surgery

Felt like passing out instead of enduring pain

Snuck out without getting caught

Cried yourself to sleep

Seen a shooting star
Yupp :)

Almost died (how many times)
Depends what you count as almost.

Been to the emergency room

Fallen in the pool (if you have one)

Thought considerably about the past/future
Umm, not really "/

Been stung by a bee/wasp
Yupp, bee.

Eaten raw bacon (or other meat)

Danced around in your underwear (honestly)
No xD

Gone trick or treating in no costume

Bitten someone
Yupp xD

Been in a fist fight

Fallen down the stairs
Yupp. I've collapsed down them a few times, it hurts xD

What about tripping up them
Yes :L:L

Ignored someone till they stopped talking to you for good

Met someone who changed your life
Kindaish i dunno.

Woken up screaming

Had reoccuring dreams


Name your top 5 best friends?
Hannah, Jessica, Lauren, Kayleigh, Lizzie.

Who have you known the longest?
Lizzie or Lauren... Umm, Lauren I think xS

Who have you known the shortest?
Hannah and Jessica

Who was the last person you hung out with?
Well, I walked home with Hannah? xD

Who do you tell the most stuff to?
Hannah and Lizzie

Who is the funnest?
Lizzie :L

Who do you trust the most?

Who was last person you went to the movies with? What did you see?
Umm... OhEmGee *calls them up, demanding a trip to cinema xD*
i cant remember what i last saw before night at the museum 2 with Jack! xD

Have you ever ate in front of any one?
Well, we kinda all eat lunch together, excluding Lizzie who goes to a different school

Who is your favorite?
Well, Hannah's my best friend. But i love all of themmm, cause they are awesomeee.

Do you love any of them?
As friends xD

Have you kissed any of them?
*starts hysterically laughing* aha, ask Kayleigh xD
we didn't, but it was vair close [by accident xD] :L:L

Who did you go last shopping with?
Umm probably Lizzieee.

Took last picture with?
Errr... me Hannah and Kayleigh have been videoing each other, if that counts? xD if not, then either Hannah or Kayleigh when we went to London Tuesday xD

Last had a sleepover with?
Everyone excluding Lizzie for Lauren's sleepoverrr.


Hai Guys.
I feel better today :]
So i'm actually gonna do a decent post today *cheers*
Had a big long talk with two close friendlings, and feel a lot better now :)
I keep having those moments where I think of everything and get all depressed and just want to be on my own, but i am definitely better :]
And everyone's starting to understand better now.
My friends mananged to restrain themselves today at lunch, apart from evil stares D: [Jack'll know what i mean, sorry about that :(] but i kept muttering to them DONT IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU [mega angry & serious] so I think they finally get it :]
This week has been 'Arts Week' and I'm doing 'The Art of Movie Making'
which is actually 'The Art of a One-Person Film a.k.a. Me' xDDDD.
and yesterday we had to a scene, [well, i did >_>] where I had to run along the corridor and out onto the field, looking scared. But it kept going wrong and we must've done it about twenty times :L
and i was running out onto the field at random times on my own, just to go back into school, i must've seemed an idiot >_> cause there was 'The Art of Cooking' people out there and 'The Art of Sport' people me thinks >_>
we're premiering our films tomorrow. it's either gonna be MEGA LAUGHS or MEGA EMBARRASSMENT :L
sorry for huuuge post, had to fill you guys in, due to my lame posts the past few dayyys. xD
~ Nickiii.


I'm sorry guys, I'm not posting again...
I can't put my thoughts on here,


i don't feel like posting tonight, sorry.