The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

My name's Nicki, pleased to meet you. (:
I am an average fifteen year old from lovely England. I don't come on here to draw and do fan art shizzle, I come here to blogblogblog. I go to school, I socialize, I do normal teenager-y things.
I'm a supposed maths genius. It's what I do best. I hope to go to one of the best Universities and study in the most challenging and difficult maths courses in the country. From this, you'd guess I was a pretty boring geek. But I can assure you I am far from it. :3
I have a personality that results in me being permantly 'hyper'. Well, that's what other people call it, it's just normal to me. So when I do go hyper, it's a scary sight for first-time viewers. (:
I make mistakes. So does every single person on this planet. If you've never made a mistake, you haven't lived. 'Never take life seriously, you never get out alive anyway' - that's what I follow. I come across as a really laid back person, but get to know me and I am completely different.
I have done babbling on about myself. Take care reading my blog; a whole five minutes of my life a day is put into it, plzthnxbai.
-- Nicki. <3

When I'm away.
It's hard to make it through.
Coz my head is in the clouds;
And my heart is there for you.
It's never been easy,
But I know this much is true.
And there's nothing I can do..


i feel so bloody ILL.
and i have a STUPID exam on monday Dx
my hayfever's been really bad today.
and i felt ill anyways.
and im sooo COLD.
but i have a temperature ^o)
why now?
why cant it wait for a week, just so graphics is DONE?

had nan's 80th meal today.
it was alright,
but all my family members live near each other, and me and my mum live ages away.
and i havent seen them for a few years.
so i couldnt recognise them :L
and i felt really shy, for once :/
but it was alright in the ennnd.
my nan got a mobile phone for her bday!
she is become technology-smart xD
she got a computer and couple of months ago.
now her latest task is the phone [;
but atm. she is useless at it. bless [;

handsome's at a party tonight.
raaaving. so no speaking tonight, nuoooo. xD
i hope he has a gooood time, anyways.
and i am at home. watching tele and supposedly doing graphics revision
but atm i feel so ill, i might just fall asleep tbh.

i'll be carrying a box of tissues to my exam, the rate i am going.

i love you..

i nicked this off gracemery [;


Do you sleep in your bra?
home: no
sleepovers: yes xD

Do you enjoy drama?
Subj? Yesss xD real-life: no xD

Are you a girly girl?

Last person you hugged?
Jack <3

Small or big purses?
None XD

Do you think you’re conceited?
Errr... i dont know what that meanssss xD

Do you dress up on Halloween?
Hell Yeaaaah [;

Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
A floor when i have a bed?
outside when we had a tent? :L

Has anyone touched/smacked your butt?
Yes. >____>

Last person who walked you somewhere?
Jack walked me to fados from Will's car? xD
and from fados to his mum's car? :L:L
With Will xD

Do you call anybody by their last name?
I used to do that with Jeni, but that wore off in year 8 xD

Do you wear makeup?

Ever cried at a movie theater?
No xD

Can you put mascara on without opening your mouth?
Yes :P

Have you ever been called a bad influence?
Ummm... i dont think so >___>


Eyeliner or Mascara?

Louis Vuitton or Dooney & Burke?

American Eagle or Hollister?
dont know what they are ^o) :L

Heels or flats?

Skirts or pants?
Pants - how american xD

Hoodies or jackets?

Heels or sneakers?

Straight or curly hair?
I have curly, but i want to chemically straighten it xD


What color is your bra that your wearing?
White xD

Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?
Liiight. Ginger, to be precise xD

Are you currently frustrated with a guy?
Nopeeeee. [:

Do you have a best friend?
YESSS. Hannah. She's well cool.

Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?
Yes... but i think my mum would kill me and i would regret it xD

Do you like your life?
Tis alrightttty. I have everyone i want in my life [:

Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?
I had to do it for an exam.

Would you ever tell someone you loved them even though you didn't?
No, Nicki never sins [;

Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
Yupppp, many, many times :L

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?

Have you ever had a good feeling about something?

Are you currently missing someone?
Laura. I want to stroke her... D: xD


Preppy or Punk/Goth?
Dont Careee.

Well-educated or Dropout?

Anything Cute or Abercrombie?
i do not know ^o)

Contacts or Glasses?
Dont mind [;

Funny or Serious?
Mainly funny, but serious when it deserves to be :L

Long Hair or Short Hair?
Not short, but not long xD

Curly Hair or Straight Hair?
Dont miiind

Good Dancer or Good Singer?
Singer :)

Basketball Player or Football Player?

Smoker or Non-smoker
Non-smoker. defo!

Drinker or Non-drinker?
Non drinker


our lips, can touch, our cheeks, can brush,

sorry i havent posted in a few days.
nothing exciting to report on, really :/
if you can count graphics revision.
which, if you do, is extremely SAD.
i hate graphics.
it's taking over my life.
and the exam's on monday
at least it'll be over and done with? >.<

*wooooo, cheeeers*
apart from many, many rehearsals.

i am really sad atm :(
i think i may have upset someone.
i dont know how :/
but they tell me i havent.
but, i can tell something's up D:
and it's really scaring me.
i dont wanna lose them :'(


where do i run when i'm alone?

well, i decided to email connexions cause they are meant to be amazing.
see what they think i should do with my mess of a life.
SUCCCH a long reply back to me.
which did not help WHATSOEVER.
back to square 1.

eurrrgh, i had PE today, and i felt so sick after Dx
but i got a pb in 100m
so ONE good thing came outta it ^o)

and now i am doing graphics revision
which i really cba to do ^o)
ho hum.


more organisation

  • Be A Better Girlfriend
  • Never Ever Go THAT Hyper Again
  • Lose Some More Weight
  • Write CV