DammitDjayy. xD

Ever kissed a Trey, Ryan, Tyler, Mike, Nick or Matt?

Have you ever had a male best friend?
Not best friend, but amaze friend, yes.

Name something you dislike about the day you're having?
Umm.. This weekend depresses me for reasons. xD
And I'm incredibly bored. "/

Whens the next time you'll hang out with someone?
No idea; Lonerrr. xD

What are you thinking of right now?
Fml, auditions tomorrow. FAIL.

Name something you did today?
Abseiled! ;D

Have you ever slept in the same bed as the opposite sex?

Do you miss anyone?
... Kinda.

Where was the last place you went besides your house?
Ipswich Hospital & Morrisons. xD

Who last drove you under the age of 21?
Ermm.. Cousin me thinks

Do you feel comfortable with answering personal questions?
Depends who to xD.

Did your night suck last night?
Umm.. *think back* kinda, could've been better

Been out side longer than 30 mins today?

Have you held hands with somebody in the last week?

Describe your life for the past month in one word?

Could you ever be frien​ds with someone that broke your heart?
Yes, as long as they are ok with it :]

Are you shy around new people?

When was the last time you laughed?
When I was abseiling, I was having a random conversation with my mum whilst scaling down an extremely tall building xDDDD.

What do you do in the rain?
I dunno. Rain doesnt bother me.

Are you sarcastic?
Quite a bit ;D

Do you still like the same person from 5 months ago?
Ummm *thinks back* kinda... I dunno.

What are you listening to?
Some insanely shit song on the tele I'm about to change over xD.

Do you have any summer plans yet?
Yupppp. Three camps plus SYP. and getting gcse results (n)

Do you give in easily when you're fighting?
I try not to, if it's something I believe in or suchlike

Do you believe in telling your bf/gf you love them?
Yeah, not telling them, (in my opinion) would be kinda silly :L

Have you ever gotten butte​rflie​s from someo​ne?​

Hones​tly,​ do you have a deep dark secre​t?
Umm.. I dunno. Depends what you class as deep & dark..

Are you a beach​ perso​n or snow perso​n?​

Color​ of shirt​?​

Is it easy for someone to make you smile.
Yup, unless I'm in a straange mood

Who was the last perso​n you had a deep conve​rsati​on with?​
Jordan tried to with me at FADOs, but I didn't really wanna. "/
Suoo... Kayleigh I think. Or Hannah, one of them xD.

Do you think​ you'​ll be marri​ed in 5 years​?​

Are you tired right now?

Where do you want to live when you're older?
Wherever. I don't really care.

What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
Getting ready

Do you care if your boyfriend/​​​​​​girlfriend drinks?
Depends how much? If it's a lot, then yeahh.

Does laundry really need to be separated?
Yes, otherwise you get pink vests as I found out Dx

Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence?
Ummm.. I have no idea "/

What is something you'd like to have right now?

Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with the letter C?
Errr... *flashbacks*... I don't think so "/

Who did you last shoot a dirty look at?
Umm... No idea. Probs my arts week teacher, cause he's eeevil.

Have you ever had a garage sale?
We don't have a garage xD

What color is your iPod?
I dont have one D:

What kind of dog do you have?
Don't have one of them either xD. I'm still slightly scared of them :P

What's for dinner tonight?
I dunno; doubt I'll have any.

What is the last drink you drank?
Milkshake ;D

How long is your hair?
Like... *tugs hair* dammit.. errr.. Just past my shoulders.

Are you happy right now?
Yeah :]

What did you say last?
Fine. [to my mum xD]

Do you drink beer?

Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
I don't have any

What is in your pocket?
I dont have any nuooo

Who introduced you to your boyfriend or girlfriend?
Don't have one

What DVD is in your DVD player?
I don't have one D: I just play them on the PS2 xD

What do you think of when you hear the word "meow"?
Cats? xD

What are you listening to right now?
Bulletproof xD.

What have you had to drink so far today?
Cranberry & Raspberry. J2O [orange & passionfruit yummm] & milkshake xD

When is your birthday?
22 Jan

How many states in the U.S. have you been to?
None D;

What are you going to do after this?
Download photos

What is something you need to go shopping for?
Ummm... nothing xD.

Do you like pickles?

How about olives?

What is your favorite kind of gum?
Trident splash that strawberry & lime one or whatever it is xD.

Do you have any tan lines?
I have burn lines :L

Do you remember the name of your kindergarten teacher?
We don't have kindergarten. I don't know what the english equivalent of kindergarten is :/ Nursery? If so, Miss Garnett and Mrs Nind xD

Who was the last person to call you babe?

When you're at the grocery store do you used the self checkout?
If there's one, then yes xD

Has anyone ever sang to you?
Not exactly to me, but in my presence, yes xD.

Has anyone ever given you roses?
