She's Baaack ;D
Ahahaa. Miss me? Nah, didn't think so [;
Anyways, I feel like putting what we were up to at camp, seeing as Laura failz. xD
Ahaaa. Nothing much happened. We arrived at the site about 7, and put our tent up and the mess tent, etc. There were only three girls, three boys and leaders :L. Then got loooads of wood and had a mahoosive campfire all evening/morning [we didn't actually attempt to sleep in tents til gone 2. xD] Made friends with a bunch of Explorer boys who were vair funnnny. xD
Woke up at 6 and me, Hannah and Jess cooked breakfast for the boys and leaders. xD Then the leaders said we were going for a walk [ahem, it was terrential rain at the time! :P] So got on our waterproofs and walked to sainsburys [?!] [we must've looked a sight]. And then we had lunnnch. Then we crowded in the mess tent the whole afternoon due to lightening haha. In the evening, we went down to the beach and had a bbq :3 But these dog owners came past who had lost their dog D; And then half an hour later a dog came past and jumped at me and Jess [bearing in mind we are both scared of dogs] with the same description, so we spent two hours trying to find the owners. And they used my belt as a lead >___> My belt stunk after. Ewww. And then we back and had a mahoosive campfire again. And Kenny kept forgetting me, Hannah and Jess were there, and was talking about girls in inappropriate ways [I slapped him (y)] I also got some insults thrown at me :( [yeah, my self confidence used to be -1, now it's back to square one at -100]. So I loved them so much, grrrr.
Woke up to the boys cooking breakfast [now that is how it should be :P] And then had to go and do service work >.< Our troop are staying on the campsite for free so in return we have to do a loada jobs for the Warden. At first all we did was deliver stuff [or in our case sat on the back of a trailer whilst it was driven round :L] and then we had to carry loads of palettes, pile them up, trailer took them to a different place, and then we had to unload them >.< I have so many cuts and splinters - they were huuuge & heavy, and I'm not the strongest girl in the world :L Then we had to do loads of shovelling of shingles [don't ask, long story]. It was like slave labour hahaa. Then we had lunch and I got taken homeee.
So, chyeah, long post, sorrrry. xD
I will post again later, cause this is too long to put anything else hahaaa. xP