Man, I take it too far.
I feel like I'm getting into that lazy mood of not posting :x
I'll try not to.
Nothing much to post about. xD
Had syp today, that was alright.
Then it's my best friend's bday today, so went to beach with her to celebrate with her twin and her twin's best friend. xDDDD
And they took pictures of me holding my notepad with random things on.
Let's just say that they started off funny, but then it got a bit ott. xD
My feet have stopped growing!
Okay, that doesn't exactly sound interesting.
But my mum said that when they did I was 'allowed' [haha] to go out and buy a pair of really nice shoes that are a tad on the expensive side cause they will last ;D
But I can't decide which ones...
I might post pics tomorrow [if I can work out how] and ask for advice and stuffssss.
I'm bored, byeee.